Alexandra Juhasz introduces the podcast "We Need Gentle Truths for Now" in response to the 100 hard truths
When a book of 100 poems written by diverse participants in the workshops was stalled due to COVID-19, a small group of us decided to make this podcast to share some of the ideas, poems, resources, and methods developed through this many-yeared and multi-sited project. We hope they provide some solace, as well as motivation, as we deepen connections and possibilities during our time of social distancing. We engage in radical digital media literacy by enjoying a bite of education and a bit of poetry, creating humane responses to fake news and social media in the era of Covid-19.
Join us! Read or respond to a poem or hardtruth found on the two websites above. Organize your own Fake News Poetry Workshop. Reach out with questions or content @ Twitter: @100HardTruths Instagram: @100HardTruths YouTube: 100 Hard Truths