Field Guides to Food

How-To Guide: Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro

If you do not have access to Adobe Premiere Pro, some of these instructions may still be helpful to your process. 

If you need training in how to use the Adobe Premiere program in general, Lynda and the Adobe website have some great tutorials:
Here is the basic training on Lynda
And another introductory training on Lynda  

1. Edit High Quality Video in Adobe Premiere:

-Make sure you are connected to your media source- hard drive, media server, etc.
-In Adobe Premiere, "Create a new project"

2. Import a video: Make sure you are using a HIGH Quality video- That means it is about 1280x720

-Import video and audio files (if there are any) into Premiere from the media server/files.
-Video quality is important. If you have access to a high quality video, use it. Low quality videos are fine for web viewing but will appear pixelated on a larger screen or projection.

3. Open the High Quality video in Adobe Premiere

-Some cameras split longer videos into multiple smaller videos, you will need to import all sections of the full video and create a master sequence. Move all smaller sections of the video onto the timeline so it is one continuous video. This is the master sequence. Make a copy of this and save it as the Master Full High Quality version (retain this version so you can return to the original full video if needed).
-Make a Title page if the video does not have an intro and add the SOUNDTRACK if you have one! Save movie. It is important to keep in mind that when you add this to the beginning, the timing on your edited version will not match the timing of the original video. If you are editing based on a table of contents or annotations, you may want to create your edits first and then add the intro and soundtrack later.

4. Set the Sound Quality- Standard for audio- Peaking at about -6 on the sound meter.

-You can edit/add effects to the audio of the video clips. How To: locate the “Media Browser” panel and go to the Effects tab. Then click on Audio Effects and then simply drag any effect you want to an audio file on the timeline.
-You can control/alter the effect by double clicking on the audio file with the effect.

5. Build an edited version / any necessary assembly of titles / necessary voiceover

-Make an edited version roughly around 20 minutes.
-Then create a table of contents for the edited version.
-You can take sections/segments of the unedited TOC that you think are important to help you create the edited version.

-When creating the edited version, number the table of contents with the section each part was taken from in the full table of contents AND include the time from the full version: It will look like this,  Example:  
                       Table of Contents (Edited): 

1.TOPIC ONE (0:10) (0:15 in full version)

    Subtopic (0:30) (0:50) ← (Second time is representing time in full version- shortened version)


     5.  TOPIC FIVE  (1:53) (13:04 in full version)

Subtopic (2:00) (14:02)

6. Export the edited version and trailer to your media storage device/locationThe file should be saved as the High Quality Version and as a Web version- label the files accordingly

-Select File, Export, Media
-The best format for Web playback is H.264 (Export settings under “Preset”: Youtube 720p; Frame rate should be 24fps)
-Export process may take a while. Make sure the computer is connected via Ethernet Cable for faster download if you are downloading over an internet connection.
-You can also export videos in Adobe Media Encoder (generally make exporting faster). To do so, click Export in Premiere then click QUEUE in the pop up window. It’ll take you directly to the Media Encoder application. There will be a box that pops up in Media Encoder of the queued video from Premiere and in order to export it you have to press the green play button in the upper right corner of the application.
-You will need to go back to your full version TOC and add an asterisk (*) after each section that was included in the edited version. In the above example I would go back to my full TOC and put an * after TOPIC ONE and TOPIC FIVE.  MAKE SURE TO DIFFERENTIATE WHICH ASTERISK GO TO WHICH VIDEO (either Edited Version or Trailer)

7. If you plan to use the audio from your video for a podcast, Export the audio of the edited version and trailer- Save it as “Name Edited Audio” or “Name Trailer Audio”

-HOW TO EXPORT AUDIO FOR PODCASTS- Go to: File> Export> Media> Export Settings> Format> MP3
-Before Exporting, go to “Output Name” and make sure to rename the file as “PODCAST AUDIO…”
-Default settings are fine for exporting. Select "Export"
-Make sure to save the exported audio

8. With the goal of building a ~3 minute trailer for the video. *The trailer should be done using the edited (20+/- min. video) version

-Keep the clips short and pithy. Remember that people have short attention spans, and they’re probably looking for a very brief executive summary of the talk.
-Do exact procedures as creating edited version- select a few important topics from the original (or edited) TOC(s) and use those segments in the trailer.
-Go back to the original version of the Table of Contents (TOC), as well as edited, and mark the sections that were used in the trailer. Make sure to note which asterisks belong to which video (full/edited/trailer, etc.)

9. Add your Table of Contents (TOC) to the Google Doc for recovering video’s TOCs Valentine Cadiuex for access to this document

10. Upload your videos into Youtube
-Title the video using this format: Person’s name: Title for video--make up a relevant title based on content (Full) (Edited) or (Trailer), HQ or LQ (for high or low quality)
-The Full, Edited, or Trailer should follow the title and be set off in parentheses
-Copy and Paste your word doc from step 2 into the body of the Youtube video about section
-Add the video to the appropriate playlist (bottom right side of screen when uploading)
-Make Youtube playlist for Full and Edited video versions.
-Edit the full and edited videos in Premiere according to the sections of the table of contents in order to create playlists. Each section [i.e. 1. TOPIC ONE (0:05)] will complete one video in a playlist.
-Make sure to update TOC so that both times for the edited version and unedited version are present. (Ex: “(2:00-4:00) Going Home (6:00-8:00 in unedited version)” and vise versa)
-Then, make new YouTube playlist for Edited version.
-Go to the “My Channel” tab on YouTube and hit “New Playlist” and select the videos you want to at to playlist. You have to consciously upload the videos in order for the playlist to make sense.
11. Now you are ready to upload your video into Scalar

-please follow the next steps below

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