Civic Imagination

Rafael DCB

Rafael Díaz Ceballos Boy is part of the International Baccalaureate IB Diploma Program, accredited by the SACS CASI, an accrediting division of the Advanced ED. Also, a B.A. student in communication and filmmaking at Universidad Iberoameircana, México city. During that time he spent a year abroad in France at Université Jean Moulin III programs SELF and CEUF. He's deeply interested in filmmaking, especially, as director, and producer. Other interests include, politics, fine arts, journalism, narrative structure in media, and psychology. His hobbies include, writing, photography, traveling, hiking, rock climbing, and playing frisbee. Rafael hopes to continue exploring the complexity of humanity, and the world in order to give a voice to those unheard through different media platforms.
The story I chose has a resonance with it’s stand against adversity that has a resonance with everyone around the world. Nevertheless, I believe that people in México might relate to it the most because we’ve been in a constant uphill battle against everything, politics, economical violence, and other countries.

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