Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingMain MenuAboutAbstract for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PIntroductionIntroduction to Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingNotesNotes for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PMediaMedia for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PAcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PTechnical InformationTechnical Information for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PReferencesReferences for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PJentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339This essay is part of the “New Media” special issue of American Literature (volume 85, number 4, December 2013). See Version 1 of the site is (c) 2013 by Duke University Press.
Footnote 34
12013-10-14T11:32:14-07:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca53392492Kirschenbaum defines "medial ideology" as a more critical way to address technology that accounts for a medium as constructed by social and cultural history.plain2013-11-08T16:00:25-08:00Anonymous34. In Mechanisms, Kirschenbaum (2008, 36) contextualizes and defines medial ideology in the following way: “Jerome McGann has used the phrase ‘Romantic ideology’ to describe the manner in which modern literary criticism of the Romantic poets has been characterized by ‘an uncritical absorption in Romanticism’s own self-representations.’ I believe electronic textual theory has labored under similar uncritical absorptions of the medium’s self- or seemingly self-evident representations. While often precisely Romantic in their celebration of the fragile half-life of the digital, the ‘ideology’ I want to delineate below is perhaps better thought of as medial—that is, one that substitutes popular representations of a medium, socially constructed and culturally activated to perform specific kinds of work, for a more comprehensive treatment of the material particulars of a given technology.”
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12013-11-16T22:12:19-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339NotesJentery Sayers3Notes for the Articleplain2013-11-17T20:23:45-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339