Seeking Stories of Queer California: A Hidden Histories Online Exhibit

Religion and Spirituality

Religion and spirituality are interwoven aspects that encompass beliefs, practices, rituals, and values related to the sacred and the divine. Religion refers to organized systems associated with specific faith traditions. The relationship between religion and the LGBTQ+ community has been complex and often harmful, but there are now several religious that are welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ+ people, many of them started by members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Spirituality is more personal and subjective, reflecting an individual's search for meaning, purpose, and connection. LGBTQ+ spiritualism often encompasses beliefs, practices, and experiences that honor and celebrate LGBTQ+ identities and relationships.

Collection Information

For more information on the materials in this gallery, see their holding institutions.

California History Section, California State Library
Concern magazine, Vol. 1, Nr. 1
The Prodigal, Vol. II, No. 20

Center for the Study of Political Graphics
Every 10th Jesus is a Queer
Holy Homophobia!

Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Kenneth Anger
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome

Philosophical Research Society
Cover and Dedication from The Treasure of Heaven
Letter from Marie Corelli to unknown recipient
Portrait of Marie Corelli
The Soul of Lilith

Self Help Graphics & Art
I Lied
Sister Karen Boccalero

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