Seeking Stories of Queer California: A Hidden Histories Online Exhibit


LGBTQ+ politics is a complex and ever-changing field that seeks to advance the rights, dignity, and well-being of LGBTQ+ people, both locally and globally. It includes advocating for legal protections, drafting legislative bills that forward the goals of the LGBTQ+ community, and electing LGBTQ+ into political positions. LGBTQ+ activism is often focused on political elements, campaigning for change and equality.

Collection Information

For more information on the materials in this gallery, see their holding institutions.

Center for the Study of Political Graphics
Prop 8 What Should We Amend Next?
They Lie We Die

Claremont Colleges Special Collections & Archives
Allied Against AIDS

Historical Society of Long Beach
Gerrie Schipske for State Assembly button
Lambda Democratic Club t-shirts

The Huntington Library
A letter from the California Lavender Smokefree Network to Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina

Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Gregg Araki Project 10 letter

The Outwords Archive
Judy Abdo Oral History

Santa Monica Public Library
Sheila Kuehl and Judy Abdo


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