Feminine, Frilly, Full-Skirted Finery
1 2016-02-24T10:43:39-08:00 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6 8336 1 Finery is inclined to be frilly, like this full-skirted evening dress of Betty's. Girls also consider it to be more feminine to wear flowers in their hair than on the shoulder. plain 2016-02-24T10:43:39-08:00 20160201 210548 20160201 210548 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6This page has annotations:
- 1 media/1920px-LIFE_magazine_logo.svg.png media/background-texture-1014963_1280.jpg media/1920px-LIFE_magazine_logo.svg.png 2016-02-23T06:53:47-08:00 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6 In the Beginning: A Brief History of LIFE Magazine Maureen Kudlik 45 Introduction to Photojournalism and LIFE Magazine image_header 2016-02-29T16:34:17-08:00 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6
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- 1 2016-03-06T19:58:38-08:00 Vince Sandri f1c5ba0a4f7b96b251ed23b27f5bd5ddc781e56b Primary Source Gallery Vince Sandri 7 A gallery of the primary source material used for this project. structured_gallery 2016-03-06T21:42:58-08:00 Vince Sandri f1c5ba0a4f7b96b251ed23b27f5bd5ddc781e56b
Contents of this tag:
- 1 media/1920px-LIFE_magazine_logo.svg.png media/background-texture-1014963_1280.jpg media/1920px-LIFE_magazine_logo.svg.png 2016-02-23T06:53:47-08:00 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6 Creating a Visual Culture through Print Media 50 In the Beginning: A Brief History of LIFE Magazine image_header 2016-02-29T17:09:48-08:00 Maureen Kudlik 07ec8ebdd0fbeaba49b25d2b198d84b9712cd0d6
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Constructing a Culture
Introduction: A Snapshot in Time
Adults created a network of resources and tools to coerce and disseminate their concocted standard of upstanding American youth.
Post-World War II life had changed as GI’s returned home to begin families, and the rise of the middle-class began with the creation of suburbanization in the early 1950s.[1] This changing landscape promoted homogenization, blandness and conformity.[2] Furthermore, American post-war life gave rise to a new class of people: teenagers.
Despite the growing terror spreading across the American landscape, teenagers were viewed as a "threat" that could be controlled. Film and print media attempted to constrain teenagers by using different modes of educational material. Informational sources such as The Journal on Audio-Visual Learning and Educational Screen: The Audio-Visual Magazine aimed at disseminating information and promoting conformist ideology to educators, who in turn, cultivated and circulated "idealist" dogma upon their students, American teenagers. Across America, teens were "tuning in" to films created by production agencies such as Cornet. During this same moment, magazines such as LIFE circulated photo-essays concerning the new group and acted as an agent of culture to the public using multidimensional images. The hope was that the image would "speak louder than words" and further impress white, bourgeois ideals upon the impressionable youth.How to Use "Constructing a Culture"
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[1] Donald Miller, “Program 23: The Fifties/From War to Normalcy,” Video, Fred Barzyk (2000; WGBH Education Foundation.), Online Video.https://www.learner.org/series/biographyofamerica/prog23/transcript/index.html.[2] S. Mintz & S. McNeil, “The Cold War,” Digital History, Retrieved (January 7,2016)
media/Vintage Camera 2.jpg
Nina Leen
The Quiet, Fashionable Life of a Photojournalist
Preeminent photojournalist Nina Leen, employed by LIFE magazine in the 1940s primarily photographed animals, women and teenager. December 11, 1944 marked Leen's first coverage of teenage girls, "Teen-Age Girls: They Live in a Wonderful World of their Own". In this article, through photographs, Leen introduced LIFE audiences to "the time in the life of every American girl when the most important thing in the world is to be one of a crowd of other girls and to act and speak and dress exactly as they do. This is the teen age. Some 6,000,000 U.S. teen-age girls live in a world of their own--a lovely, gay, enthusiastic, funny, and blissful society almost untouched by the war."
Seven months later, June 11, 1945, Leen revisted the teenager's livelihood, but this time photographed boys. The photo-essay, "Teen-Age Boys: Faced with war, they are the same as they have always been," ...
As American life transitioned postwar, the livelihood of teenage girls flourished. "Tulsa Twins: They Show how much the Teen-age World has Changed" showcases the transformation in teen girls, such as presenting cutting-edge, trendsetting, “New Look” clothing that made girls look more flirty and feminine.
In an up-close-and-personal photo shoot, serving as representatives for all teen girls nationwide, identical twins Barbara and Betty Bounds show off their fashion style, social life, and domestic tasks. “Tulsa Twins” welcomes you visually into the fashionable social world of middle-class, postwar teen girlhood, where being a lady requires domestic responsibility and acceptance to be “one of the crowd,” and in which “parties with boys are their favorite things in life.”
"Tulsa Twins: They Show how much the Teen-Age Life has Changed"
Nina Leen, photojournalist for LIFE magazine traces the life of teenager twin girls,
August 4, 1947 marked the third article that presented teenagers to the American public. shows....
Questioning their social role.[1] During wartime, as men enlisted to fight for freedom, a majority of American females took work outside the home, oftentimes in factories supplying troops with needed materials.[2] Postwar America was different: women were expected to resume traditional social roles and embrace domestic ideology. Images in LIFE magazine were meant to “enlighten and instruct;” therefore, Leen’s gaze groomed audiences to support traditional gender roles. [3] Through Leen’s images, women were encouraged to embrace domestic responsibilities (such as child rearing, home life, and spirituality) while men focused on areas outside of the home in the political and economic arenas. For example, in a large, multi-column vertical photograph, Betty is framed doing the laundry. Since “Chores are receiving new respect,” Betty’s serious expression and deep concentration is focused solely on the act of pinning clothes to the dry line.[4] The snapshot, tightly cropped on Betty’s duty, captures the audience’s attention and lures them into embracing domesticity for females; yet, at the same moment the photograph and accompanying narrative move deeper into promotion of social norms: “…for 1947 teens think of marriage much more seriously than their wartime equivalents.”[5] LIFE audiences understood the photograph’s implications as such: during formative years, Betty focuses on completion of her domestic responsibilities so that one day in the future she will make a good wife by providing a clean, ordered home for her husband.[6] Acclaimed historian of twentieth century American studies, Elaine Tyler May asserts that postwar there was “a rush of young Americans into marriage, parenthood, and traditional gender roles.”[7] Photographs, such as the esteemed Leen’s, acted as an agent during the late-1940-era when “flourishing postwar mass media produced…serial, unified images … [that] reflected a shared belief in the qualities of ideal American womanhood.”[8] As women struggled postwar to gain an identity, LIFE magazine took charge and provided their version of the “ideal American woman.” Leen, in promotion of the “rush” young Americans were experiencing, carefully framed the shot of Betty, who seemed to pleasantly accept domestic responsibility. Upon first glance, the photo is an opportunity to view a female teen in action; however, the underlying values associated with the image groomed LIFE’s audience to embrace gender divisions. Acting as signposts, Leen’s photographs visually prepare LIFE’s audience for mature gender-specific responsibilities that are also present in everyday American society.[1] Rickie Solinger, “The Smutty Side of LIFE: Picturing Babes as Icons of Gender Difference in the Early 1950s,” in Looking at LIFE Magazine, ed. Erika Doss (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 201-219. Solinger’s essay speaks about the emergence of female images in LIFE magazine. Solinger, 202, poses the question, “Who is the American woman?” and continues by tracing female identity: “During the
Depression and the war, cultural arbiters like LIFE promulgated unified, iconic images of female identity.” Solinger’s essay explores the relationship between “babes” and recognizing the “American woman.” During the war era women were told to wear overalls and work outside of the home, in the next era they were told to rear children and obey their husbands. Despite these vast differences in woman’s identity, LIFE believed that they “produced a shared belief in the qualities of ideal American womanhood.”
[2] S. Mintz & S. McNeil, “Social Changes During the War,” Digital History, accessed February 13, 2016, http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3493.
Digital History explains: “married working women outnumbered single working women as 6.3 million women entered the work force during the war. The war challenged the conventional image of female behavior, as ‘Rosie the Riveter’ became the popular symbol of women who abandoned traditional female occupations to work in defense industries. Social critics had a field day attacking women.” In postwar America, women were expected to resume traditional social roles by returning to the home with a focus on the family. Domesticity was the woman’s sphere.
[3] Erika Doss, introduction to Looking at LIFE Magazine, ed. Erika Doss (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 11. Doss explained that LIFE’s emphasis on presentation of powerful images “enlighten and instruct” audiences.
[4] Nina Leen, “Tulsa Twins: They Show How Much the Teen-Age World has Changed,” LIFE Magazine, August 4,1947: 77 – 82. Google Books, accessed February 13, 2016, https://books.google.com/books?id=1U0EAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA77#v=twopage&q&f=false.
[5] Nina Leen, “Tulsa Twins: They Show How Much the Teen-Age World has Changed,” LIFE Magazine, August 4,1947: 77 – 82. Google Books, accessed February 13, 2016,
[6] Rickie Solinger, “The Smutty Side of LIFE: Picturing Babes as Icons of Gender Difference in the Early 1950s,” in Looking at LIFE Magazine, ed. Erika Doss (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 201-219. Solinger, 201, provides female readership data asserting: “…more than 17 million women between the ages of 20 and 24 read LIFE in the early fifties…”
James L. Baughman, “Who Read LIFE? The Circulation of America’s Favorite Magazine,” Looking at LIFE Magazine, ed. Erika Doss (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 41-51. Baughman, 42, states: “In a 1946 review of research on magazine readership…the model readers for LIFE were 30 to 34 years of age, from the professional and skilled labor classes, married and college-educated.”
[7] Elaine Tyler May, introduction to Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era (New York: Basic Books, 1988), 5.
[8] Rickie Solinger, “The Smutty Side of LIFE: Picturing Babes as Icons of Gender Difference in the Early 1950s,” in Looking at LIFE Magazine, ed. Erika Doss (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 201-219. Solinger, 202, contends: “Despite the potentially disorienting injunctions that mandated that American women wear an apron in one era and overalls in the next, the flourishing postwar mass media produced these serial, unified images indefensibly and with confidence that they reflected a shared belief in the qualities of ideal American womanhood.”