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Using NVivo: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Primer

Shalin Hai-Jew, Author

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Downloading, Installing, and Registering the Software

Follow the directions for accessing, downloading, installing, and registering the software. There are variances based on devices and versions. 

Connection to an Online Portal

The newest NVivo on Windows comes with connection to an online account.

The online account via the NVivo portal ( enables access to the store, the customer hub, and help, among other features. 

[Note:  The contents of this page below are fairly dated.]

QSR International has a page where people may download their software. These software programs are for either Windows machines (32-bit or 64-bit) or Mac ones.  Also, the current versions for Windows are 8, 9.2, and 10. Visit the page link above, and download the proper version of the software. The trial version will have to be updated with a license key in order to keep it working past the 30-day free trial.  (The downloaded trial software is not a degraded or limited version of the tool.)  

NVivo works on tablet computers as long as those computers have sufficient processing power.  On their site, QSR International indicates that NVivo requires a tablet that runs Windows 8 at minimum.  

If a researcher is using virtual machines or parallels on their Mac, he or she will need to download the Windows version. 

32-bit or 64-bit Operating System on a Windows machine?  To figure out if your Windows machine has a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system, begin with the Start button at the bottom left of the screen.  

Start -> Computer -> Properties (right click Properties) -> System and System Type 

Inputting the software license key.  QSR International allows a 30-day free use of their software with full capabilities. However, it is a good idea to input the updated license key.

To input the key on a Windows machine, go to File ->  Help -> Product Activation.  The dropdown menu should look somewhat like the screenshot below.  

Continuing software maintenance.  Once you have downloaded the software, the tool will take you through the stages of installing it on your machine. Do install any updates or service packs if the version you have downloaded is not fully updated. (Updates to software should be run at first notice because these often include security updates and improved functionality.)

Add-ons to NVivo:  At some point in the sequence, if you are on a Windows machine, you will be asked if you want to download NCapture. If you plan to access any information from the Web and Internet or any online social networks (OSNs) or social media platforms, do download NCapture. If you somehow bypassed the NCapture download, you may access such add-ons at this same Downloads page.  

If you ever want to disable the add-on, that may be done in the browser settings.  Note in the screenshot below that the browser add-in may be enabled / disabled or trashed--after it has been installed.  

A Few Notes about the Mac Version

The NVivo for Mac version of the software still lacks some features that are in the NVivo 10 for Windows version.  The interface itself looks quite a bit different.  (A screenshot of the Mac version's opening screen is above.) 

The examples and screenshots in this e-book are from the NVivo 10 for Windows version. 

Subscription Options for Students

Students may subscribe on a two-year basis for various versions of NVivo (with full capabilities).  The costs are reasonable, at around $114 for two years for the NVivo 12 Plus on Windows, at the time of this update.  

Educational Licensure 

Those who work in education can acquire the software with a "forever" license (not inclusive of future updates) at a discounted rate. 


Students may subscribe to their own licenses.  The software they have access to have the full powers of any other license.  And the cost is reasonable, at around $100 USD per year for the Windows version.  (The Windows version has more capabilities than the Mac one.)  There is no required commitment for longer subscriptions either.  And the version of the software is the full version, without any suppressed capabilities between the subscription and the purchase versions. 

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