Understory 2021

Do you know where I am?

Most people don’t stay long here,
only a select few stay full time.
It can be expensive to stay here,
more so if you stay for a long while.
Where am I?
I am a guest, just like most of the people here.
They tend to my wants and my needs;
seeing that I have everything to make me feel comfortable.
Although you can’t feel too comfortable in a place that's not your home.
Where am I?
There are paintings on the walls,
some are new while others are old.
The paintings are general crowd pleasers, not much too them.
Where am I?
The walls are painted white;
they are glistening from the light pouring in from the outside.
The rooms are clean, almost pristine,
the beds are made and the countertops tidy.
Where am I?
Everyone comes here at least once in their life.
There are a lot of memories in this place,
some are happy and some are sad.
Not much of a clue I suppose as most places carry many memories in them.
Where am I?
There is a lot of commotion that goes on in this place,
people running, children laughing, the yells of an angry man can be heard.
Do you know where I am?
I bet you think you do;
you see, these descriptions can fit countless places.
What did you think of?
“Where are you?”, you wonder.
You tell me.
Where am I?

ANGEL INGUAGIATO is a junior pursuing a Baccalaureate in Psychology with a minor in Creative Writing. She finds it funny that one of her poems was chosen because if she’s being honest, poetry isn’t her favorite thing to write. She enjoys writing fiction and one day hopes to write a novel and have it published; she’ll always be thankful that this was her first piece to be published. 

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