The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Translating "Victory Garden" Logos

This 2D animation shows the way in which the logos of Stuart Moulthrop's 1994 Edition of Victory Garden has been translated for the 2022 Web Edition. Created originally for the 1991 Edition and carried through to the 1994 Edition, the logo suggests the labyrinth that figures so prominently in Moulthrop's hypertext theory as well as evokes the garden in the work's title. It features the black and white, bitmapped aesthetic of the time. The logo for the 2022 Web Edition retains the look and feel of the original logo while, at the same time, introduces color aimed to reflect the sands of Iraq, one of the major settings in which the story unfolds. The typeface also shifts from a common serif font made available on Macintosh computers of the period, to a contemporary one similar enough to recall the original.


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