The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Multilink Functionality of the 2022 Edition of Twilight


Multilink functionality points to an important and forgotten affordance of pre-Web writing: the freedom to link anything to anything else by stacking one link on top of another Multilinks are widely uses in Michael Joyce’s _Twilight. A Symphony_. In the lexia entitled “Cent mille de facts” there are 15 destinations. One link is anchored on a single phrase “what once was a swan” and 14 more are anchored on the text of the sonnet inspired by Stephane Mallarmé. When clicking on the phrase “what once was a swan”, a menu with all 15 links is shown. When clicking anywhere in the text, outside of that phrase, a menu of 14 links is visible.

This type of multilinking, or stacking links on top of each other, is not in standard use on the Web where one source is usually tied to one specific target. To accommodate for multilinks in the 2015 and 2022 online editions, a special Javascript function had to be used. Clicking anywhere on the page in the 2022 edition presents readers with all possible destinations.

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