Jazz Education: The Evolution of Jazz Mentorship


To evaluate the quality of the current DH project we will break down the projects essential qualities into two broad categories each containing four subgroups. The two general categories are design and the project’s capacity for engagement of the topic. The design section will be divided into the four following subgroups: information presentation, site navigation, information accessibility, and aesthetics.  The engagement of the topic section will be divided into: site maintenance/ sustainability, contribution to the field of interest, effectiveness of information in addressing the topic, and presence of bias. All subgroups may be ranked on a 1-5 scale (1: very bad, 2: bad, 3: neutral, 4: good, 5: very good) denoting the project’s effectiveness in each subgroup. Once each subgroup has been ranked, the category may be given an evaluative score composed of the average score across the subgroups. At the end of the project evaluation, we provide a site score, the average score between the Design and Engagement of Question score, denoting the general effectiveness of the current project.

As the creators of this DH site, it is our responsibility to provide the visitors with the opportunity to grade our site. Below you will view a schematic representation of how we would like to be graded as well as questions denoting criteria to be considered for successful grading of each sub-group. We ask you to be as honest as possible in grading our site, this will allow us to improve to bring the highest quality project in the future.


Information Presentation: ____ (1-5)
-Is the information provided in a logical manner?
-Is the writing clear and easy to follow?
-Is there a logical progression of thought on each page?
-Does the multimedia provide you with enough information to derive conclusions from the project?
-Is each page unique and provide novel information?

Site Navigation: ____ (1-5)
-Is maneuvering from one page to the next easy to manage?
-Do hyperlinks direct you to the desired location?
-Does the site allow you to navigate between pages of interest not directly next in page progression?
-Is the table of contents a helpful way to switch from page-to-page?

Information Accessibility: ____ (1-5)
-Is all relevant information presented in a logical manner?
-Is there sufficient uniformity between pages to make the information easy to manipulate and find what you desired?
-Does the multimedia work in an efficient manner?

General Aesthetics:____ (1-5)
-Are the images captivating?
-Do you appreciate the uniformity of the background images?
-Is the color scheme pleasing?
-Do the aesthetics enhance the messages conveyed on each page?


Design Score: ____ (Average of Subgroup Scores)


Engagement of Research Question


Maintenance/Site Sustainability: ____ (1-5)
-Is the multimedia within the site capable of being updated?
-Does the site retain significant addition DH methods that allow for multiple ways to engage with the information?
-Is the site capable of being innovated without destruction of current information?
-Is the Scalar interface sustainable?


Academic Contribution to Field of Interest: ____ (1-5)
-Is the research and information presented novel?
-Is the the topic unique?
-Have similar conclusions and information been previously provided on other sites in similar manners?


Effectiveness of Information in Addressing the Topic: ____ (1-5)

-Are the interviews a successful way to address the research question?
-Do the interviews captivate the site visitor?
-Is the information presented in a logical manner to directly break down the research question?
-Is there continuity between pages that act to build on each other in addressing the topic?


Presence of Bias: ____ (1-5)

-Do the authors manipulate information to support a specific thesis?
-Do the interviews act to mitigate the possibility of bias?
-Is the information properly sited to allow direct evaluation of the information?
-Does a flagrant agenda in the project persist throughout the duration of the project?

Engagement of Topic Score: ____ (Average of Subgroup Scores)


Overall Site Score: ____ (Average of Design and Engagement of Topic Scores)

Previous Page

Table of Contents
1. Evolution of Jazz Mentorship
2. Introduction
3. History of Jazz Education and Mentorship
4. Buster Williams
5. Germaine Bazzle
6. Bob Schulz
7. Allan Vache
8. Claude Williams
9. Race in Jazz Education and DH
10. Modern Mentorship
11. Our Other DH Method
12. Conclusion
13. Additional Works Cited ​
14. Annotated Bibliography
15. Process
16. Rubric