This path was created by Maria Frank. 

Field Guides to Food

People work to address concerns that different kinds of growing and processing practices...

...decrease health and safety for consumers.

This statement was based on passages from the "Farm-to-School in Minnesota: A Survey of School Foodservice Leaders"...
In response to the question on barriers to using more local foods, respondents rated "Liability/farmer compliance with food safety and food handling standards" as the second highest barrier. (Question 20)
...and the Land Stewardship Project (see Myth Buster #15).
"Organic vegetable operations can use cattle manure as a natural source of fertility, and E. coli is often present in raw bovine waste. For some commentators, that was enough evidence to indict all organic farms."
It is also reflected in statements from the Minnesota Pork Producers Association (on an old version of their webpage)...
"Individuals who provide the daily care to pigs demonstrate their commitment to safe, wholesome pork by taking part in the educational program, Pork Quality Assurance Plus... to learn best practices for managing swine herd health, the proper use of health products and technique to assure swine well-being."
...and the Minnesota Obesity Center (described in a press release captured in this screenshot).
"Researchers will combine primary care, a child's home environment and community-based intervention strategies into a program that aims to spark changes in food intake, physical activity and body weight among low-income, ethnically diverse children."

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