This path was created by Maria Frank. 

Field Guides to Food

People are working to make fresh produce more available...

...throughout the region.

This statement was based on passages from "Opportunities for Learning, Leadership, and Impact"...
"A sustainable regional food system is guided by several principles [including that]... it is accessible and affordable to all citizens... Specifically, a sustainable energy system would... provide affordable and adequate energy for vulnerable communities and everyone in the region." (p.3,19)
"The health impact of the nation’s current food system is enormous. Poor diets—based on unhealthy foods high in contaminants and added fats and sugars, low in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids—have been linked to obesity, disease, and behavioral disorders." (p.52)
...and "Local Food: Where to Find It, How to Buy It."
"People nationwide are discovering that for true freshness, flavor, and nutrition, local food is hard to beat." (p.2)
"Promotes healthy food choices" is listed as one of the top 10 reasons to buy local food.
It is also reflected in statements from the Minnesota Department of Health...
"By improving the offerings of fresh fruits and vegetables, Farm to School programs will help make the healthy choice the easy choice for students and school staff."
...and the National Gardening Association.
"The satisfying experiences of planting, cultivating, and harvesting fruits and vegetables creates a lifelong appreciation for healthy living... By supporting thousands of school and community gardens nationwide, we help children and adults establish links between plants, gardening, food, and health."

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