Iryna Nadyukova
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Welcome, cyborgs!, Final Essay Proposal, Mimesis, Vindex, Dis-Armor project description, Aura, Live life!, Encounter, Vindex, Dis-Armor User:presence&absence, Observer, Simulacra, Dis-Armor's armor, Persistence of vision, Final Essay Proposal, Dis-Armor user:new observer, Dis-Armor(two_users), Observer, Mimetic communication, Observer: ocularcentric society, Bibliography, Cyborg, Real video:Unresolved Mysterious Sounds, Final essay first draft, User, Simulacra:spring, Target.Observer., Final Essay Proposal Quesitons, Trace, Final Essay Proposal Bibliography, Dis-Armor(front talk), For Elise by Beethoven for Piano & Orchestra, Real_cyborg, EYES(1 page), Dis-Armor(close_up), Encounter:conclusion, Persistence of vision. Thaumatropes., Typical_cyborg, Coldplay_album_cover, Thesis, Dis-Armor(window), EYE, Sand_foot(trace), mimetic representation, Delacroix, Dis-Armor(encounter), Dis-Armor:why Japan, Real, Krzysztof Wodiczko interview/Dis-Armor demonstration, Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Official), Dis-Armor(back), TEDxTokyo - Dave McCaughan - Japan's Future... their Youth [English], Observer(FP), Mall, Plugin, Cyborg(computer_progress), Armor, Coldplay_album, Dis-Armor(graph), Dolls.Mimesis, Aura_boxes, Delacroix, Instruments, Projections, Monuments, Fur Elise Piano Music Box, Eyes_emotions, Dis-Armor(graph_details), Forty Ways of Looking at a Stranger, BOMBLive! Krzysztof Wodiczko, Clip 3, Dreams that Matter, Krzysztof Wodiczko: Instruments, Projections, Monuments, Strangers: The First ICP Triennial, Dis-Armor Project View all tags
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