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Dis-Armor:why Japan

Dis-Armor project relates to Japanese society specifically firstly because the high-school age students are constantly under pressure to do better and thus they often get traumatized. Speaking of the problems Japanese young people have to face in their daily life, Wodiczko states, “They are pushed to pass more and more exams, and to prove themselves in a theatre of desperate progress, governed by early-modern values.”(Wodiczko 44).  

Secondly, technology plays a very important role in the lives of Japanese youth. Thus, highly-technological project as Dis-Armor could serve as an attractive solution even for high-school refusers, who in this way protest against the social norms imposed on them.

More on the influence of technology in the lives of Japanese youth.

Wodiczko states that, “Dis-Armor’s purpose is to attract the attention of passer-by on the street and others in the city, to entice them to come closer and to focus on the life difficulties of a young person.”(Wodiczko 44). Since technology plays such an important role in human lives all over the world and in Japan specifically, Dis-Armor is definitely going to fulfill the purpose stated by its author. Thus, Dis-Armor addresses the issue of highly pressured high school students intrinsic to Japanese society through the medium that specifically goes along with the popular trend of modern technology in Japan and therefore can potentially interest the high school refusers and help them resolve their psychological difficulties.
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