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Alexei Taylor, Author
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Dis-Armor's armor

The encounter of Dis-Armor user with the observer

Dis-Armor changes traditional way of communication and thus creates mimetic communication. Discussing mimesis Michael Taussig argues that throughout history mimesis has been a part of adaptive behavior of humans to the society through copying and thus assimilating with the surroundings. Thus, Taussig contends mimetic faculty should be taken into consideration as “sixth sense”.(Taussig 213) Dis-Armor presents complex idea of mimetic communication. Through using the idea of ancient armor and connecting with the idea of indirect communication the creator of Dis-Armor attracts attention to the issues that Japanese youth are having to the extent of needing protection of Dis-Armor. He deconstructs the traditional understanding of armor, and then reconstructs it with a specific purpose and deeper meaning. He intends to help to solve Japanese youth’s problems through mimicking what used to serve as symbol of protection and nobility.


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