WHOA: Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Online ArchiveMain MenuIntroduction & NavigationArchive CrossroadsView Archive By Source ThemeView Archive By Timeline of SourcesView Archive By Source LocationsView Archive By Source TypeView Research on Pre-WWII WR & HoxieEdward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
Logging & Lumber Tags
1media/1904 Jackpot Turnbull Wagon Co Thematic Screenshot.png2020-05-02T21:15:19-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6373763structured_gallery2020-05-10T18:21:21-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
This page has paths:
1media/WR Main St 1924 With Streetcar - AHPP Hist Dist Ntnl Register Form.jpg2020-05-02T10:16:09-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Commerce TagsEdward Harthorn6visual_path9919932020-05-14T16:13:54-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
Contents of this tag:
1media/1913-06 Hoxie1_thumb.jpg2020-04-27T19:21:32-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-06 Sanborn Map of Hoxie, pg 1 of 111Fire insurance map shows the three-railroad intersection at Hoxie and the growth of businesses around it.media/1913-06 Hoxie1.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:54:24-07:0006/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/Goodspeed Title Page.png2020-05-03T20:14:35-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-10 Goodspeed's Memoirs of NEA, Lawrence County Excerpts10A leading source of info on late-18th-century Lawrence County, featuring a detailed sketch of the county's history and economy as well as numerous biographical sketches. Taken from the larger work, "Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas."plain2020-05-07T16:19:38-07:0010/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 2_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:22:51-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-02 Sanborn Map of WR, pg 2 of 27Map of the eastern half of Walnut Ridge, featuring numerous storefronts, dwellings, the first WR courthouse, and even a saloon at the corner of Main St. and Front St.media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 2.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:25:47-07:0002/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 2_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:17:43-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-02 Sanborn Map of WR, pg 1 of 27A fire insurance map of the western half of Walnut Ridge; brick buildings are colored red and frame buildings yellow.media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 2.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:22:20-07:0002/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1916-11 Hoxie pg 1 of 1_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:43:52-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61916-11 Sanborn Map of Hoxie pg 1 of 16Hotels, warehouses, a YMCA, and a moving pictures theater are some of the many establishments noted in this map.media/1916-11 Hoxie pg 1 of 1.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:57:07-07:0011/1916Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:41:28-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-02 Sanborn Map of WR pg 1 of 45Map with details of various WR buildings including houses, the newly constructed courthouse, the Turnbull Wagon Company, and W. R. Lane's distillery.media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:30:48-07:0002/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:43:11-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-02 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 45Map showing the first three blocks north and south of East Main St., including the original locations of the school building and the Methodist Church.media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:33:34-07:0002/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T18:25:00-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-02 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 45Map showing a mixture of businesses, houses, and even an opera house along West Main St in Walnut Ridge.media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:35:35-07:0002/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T18:32:53-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61908-04 Sanborn Map of WR pg 1 of 45Insurance map showing various locations around WR, including the W. R. Lane Ice Plant and the Cache Valley Lumber Co.media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:42:42-07:0004/1908Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T18:39:51-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61908-04 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 45Map of eastern Walnut Ridge featuring such businesses as a billiard hall, a bakery, and a theater.media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:44:59-07:0004/1908Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T19:33:34-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61908-04 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 45Map of West Main St. and environs, including establishments such as the Baptist and Presbyterian Churches and the Hotel Rhea.media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:47:08-07:0004/1908Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/Hoxie RR Water Tank Circa Early 1900s - Larry Dobbs FB Jul 2011_thumb.jpg2020-06-23T18:48:28-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Photo, Sharum-Benningfield Lumber Company, Hoxie, Circa 1900-19204Image courtesy of Dell Parker.media/Hoxie RR Water Tank Circa Early 1900s - Larry Dobbs FB Jul 2011.jpgplain2020-07-10T12:29:24-07:001900-1920Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 7_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:24:45-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-03 Sanborn Map of WR pg 1 of 74Shows the distribution of the other six maps, as well as various cotton gins and sawmills and the WR Light, Power, & Transit Company's powerhouse.media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 1 of 7.jpgplain2020-05-09T12:04:17-07:0003/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 7_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:30:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-03 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 74Map of downtown Walnut Ridge, with the Main Street crossing of the Iron Mountain Railroad at center.media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 7.jpgplain2020-05-09T12:31:24-07:0003/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1902-05-16 LawCo Letter for Timber Showcase at St Louis 1904 Expo - Arkansas Democrat pg 7_thumb.png2020-06-03T17:34:07-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61902-05-16 Arkansas Democrat pg 74The Lawrence County World's Fair board sends a memo to the state's board requesting that Arkansas gum timber be represented in the fair's buildings.media/1902-05-16 LawCo Letter for Timber Showcase at St Louis 1904 Expo - Arkansas Democrat pg 7.pngplain2020-06-03T17:39:59-07:0005/16/1902Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 8_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:52:30-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61919-05 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 84Map of downtown Walnut Ridge shows numerous new businesses including a marble works, a candy factory, and an ice cream factory.media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 8.jpgplain2020-05-09T13:44:39-07:0005/1919Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 8 of 8_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T13:07:10-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61919-05 Sanborn Map of WR pg 8 of 84Map shows the enormous Hoxie & WR Compress Co complex, two cotton gins, two oil companies, a sawmill, and a powerhouse.media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 8 of 8.jpgplain2020-05-09T14:23:49-07:0005/1919Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/Hoxie First School Before 1885- Pinterest Betty_thumb.jpg2020-05-11T16:06:13-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Picture, Depiction of First Schoolhouse at Hoxie Circa Pre-18874Undated illustration of the first schoolhouse at Hoxie, a log cabin that perhaps even preceded the district's formal organization in 1887.media/Hoxie First School Before 1885- Pinterest Betty.jpgplain2020-06-23T12:23:45-07:001887Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1877-12-13 Brief Assessment of WR, Lawyer Col. Coffin, and LawCo Journal Editor - AR Gazette pg 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-13T14:46:09-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61877-12-13 Arkansas Gazette pg 43The Gazette gives a brief assessment of Walnut Ridge's timber and prospects, of Col. Charles Coffin, and of the Walnut Ridge Journal & its editor.media/1877-12-13 Brief Assessment of WR, Lawyer Col. Coffin, and LawCo Journal Editor - AR Gazette pg 4.jpgplain2020-05-13T15:04:00-07:0012/13/1877Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-04-01 Gruesome Details of Star Hotel Burning WR - St. Louis Globe-Democrat pg 3_thumb.png2020-05-26T14:54:45-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-04-01 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 33The burning of the Star Hotel in Walnut Ridge results in two deaths when a man enters the blaze to save a young boy but both are caught in the flames. The fire spreads across town and results in $125,000 in damage.media/1893-04-01 Gruesome Details of Star Hotel Burning WR - St. Louis Globe-Democrat pg 3.pngplain2020-05-26T15:14:24-07:0004/01/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-04-01 Portia Lumber Mill Burns Along with Downtown WR - Vicksburg MS pg 2_thumb.png2020-05-26T15:17:08-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-04-01 Vicksburg Daily Commercial Herald MS pg 23A news brief notes the burning of a Portia lumber mill, the same day a fire hits Walnut Ridge.media/1893-04-01 Portia Lumber Mill Burns Along with Downtown WR - Vicksburg MS pg 2.pngplain2020-05-26T15:22:38-07:0004/01/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1891-10-07 WR Lumber Businessman Commits Suicide - Pittsburgh PA pg 8_thumb.png2020-05-26T11:51:40-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61891-10-07 Pittsburgh Dispatch PA pg 82Despairing over his increasing deafness and the market downturn affecting his Walnut Ridge lumber investments, a Pennsylvania man commits suicide.media/1891-10-07 WR Lumber Businessman Commits Suicide - Pittsburgh PA pg 8.pngplain2020-05-26T11:54:41-07:0010/07/1891Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-09-26 Wonderful Account of Pearl Rush - St. Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 16_thumb.png2020-05-30T16:15:17-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-09-26 St. Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 162Walnut Ridge merchant T. J. Sharum gives a detailed account of the pearl rush on the Black and Cache Rivers, and promotes the prospects of the region for agriculture.media/1897-09-26 Wonderful Account of Pearl Rush - St. Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 16.pngplain2020-05-30T16:29:45-07:0009/26/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1908-07-26 Ravenden as well as Dowell Real Estate Listing - Inter Ocean Chicago IL pg 23_thumb.png2020-06-07T12:44:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61908-07-26 Inter Ocean Chicago IL pg 232A Ravenden real estate agent is listed along with S. C. Dowell of Walnut Ridge in the classified ads of a Chicago newspaper.media/1908-07-26 Ravenden as well as Dowell Real Estate Listing - Inter Ocean Chicago IL pg 23.pngplain2020-06-07T12:46:47-07:0007/26/1908Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-05-04 WR Blade Describes New LawCo Sawmill - Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-12T15:26:47-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-05-04 Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 32The Walnut Ridge Blade describes a new sawmill being built in Lawrence County.media/1914-05-04 WR Blade Describes New LawCo Sawmill - Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 3.pngplain2020-06-12T15:28:22-07:0005/04/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1883-06-05 Six Swedes or Germans Wanted for Work in WR - St Louis Post-Dispatch pg 6_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T09:27:06-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61883-06-05 St Louis Post-Dispatch MO pg 62"Wanted: Six Swedes or Germans for saw-mill work," declares a classified ad by a Walnut Ridge firm.media/1883-06-05 Six Swedes or Germans Wanted for Work in WR - St Louis Post-Dispatch pg 6.jpgplain2020-05-14T09:29:31-07:0006/05/1883Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1909-08-01 Ad for Farm for Sale in Walnut Ridge - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 25_thumb.png2020-06-07T19:11:50-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61909-08-01 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 252A classified ad lists a 520-acre farm for sale near Walnut Ridge, most of it still forested.media/1909-08-01 Ad for Farm for Sale in Walnut Ridge - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 25.pngplain2020-06-07T19:16:21-07:0008/01/1909Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-10-14 Lumber Co Safe Blown Open at Hoxie But Robbers Get Only 13 - AR Gazette pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-15T09:31:03-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-10-14 Arkansas Gazette pg 62Robbers blow open a Hoxie lumber company's safe, but find only thirteen dollars inside.media/1917-10-14 Lumber Co Safe Blown Open at Hoxie But Robbers Get Only 13 - AR Gazette pg 6.pngplain2020-06-15T09:32:28-07:0010/14/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1884-04-10 Man Dies in WR of Ruptured Blood Vessel - Chanute KS pg 5_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T12:18:42-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61884-04-10 Chanute Weekly Times KS pg 52A Walnut Ridge sawmill operator dies of a broken blood vessel while doing everyday repairs.media/1884-04-10 Man Dies in WR of Ruptured Blood Vessel - Chanute KS pg 5.jpgplain2020-05-14T12:23:09-07:0004/10/1884Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911-04-15 Classified Ad, 240 Acres for Sale Near Hoxie RR Junction - Topeka KS pg 39_thumb.png2020-06-10T12:50:53-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61911-04-15 Topeka Kansas Farmer & Mail & Breeze KS pg 392A classified ad lists 240 acres of timbered land for sale half a mile from Hoxie.media/1911-04-15 Classified Ad, 240 Acres for Sale Near Hoxie RR Junction - Topeka KS pg 39.pngplain2020-06-10T13:00:20-07:0004/15/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1922-02-21 Classified Ad for Men Wanted to Make Timber Ties - Arkansas Gazette pg 10_thumb.png2020-06-16T17:36:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61922-02-21 Arkansas Gazette pg 102A classified ad seeks workers to make oak railroad ties at a location five miles east of Walnut Ridge.media/1922-02-21 Classified Ad for Men Wanted to Make Timber Ties - Arkansas Gazette pg 10.pngplain2020-06-16T17:40:10-07:0002/21/1922Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1884-06-27 Portia Boiler Explosion - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T12:56:10-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61884-06-27 Arkansas Democrat pg 12Two men are killed in a boiler explosion at a Portia stave factory.media/1884-06-27 Portia Boiler Explosion - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.jpgplain2020-05-14T13:05:06-07:0006/27/1884Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911-06-09 Classified Ad, Gulf Refining of WR Wants Stave Timber Lands - Chicago Tribune pg 18_thumb.png2020-06-10T13:55:50-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61911-06-09 Chicago Tribune IL pg 182A businessman associated with Gulf Refining Co. in Walnut Ridge advertises to buy thousands of acres of stave timber lands.media/1911-06-09 Classified Ad, Gulf Refining of WR Wants Stave Timber Lands - Chicago Tribune pg 18.pngplain2020-06-10T13:58:07-07:0006/09/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1922-09-22 Coal Shortage Forces Cotton Mills to Use Wood - Alva OK pg 4_thumb.png2020-06-16T19:21:30-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61922-09-22 Alva Daily Review-Courier OK pg 42A forecasted coal shortage leads Lawrence County cotton gins and mills to burn wood for fuel instead.media/1922-09-22 Coal Shortage Forces Cotton Mills to Use Wood - Alva OK pg 4.pngplain2020-06-16T19:23:52-07:0009/22/1922Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1889-11-13 Tree Falls on Wagon and Kills WR Man (Popular Article in KS)- Clyde KS pg 2_thumb.png2020-05-17T16:09:16-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-11-13 Clyde Herald KS pg 22A tree falls on the wagon of a man crossing a creek near Walnut Ridge, killing him and injuring his family.media/1889-11-13 Tree Falls on Wagon and Kills WR Man (Popular Article in KS)- Clyde KS pg 2.pngplain2020-05-17T16:12:50-07:0011/13/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-05-11 Attempts to Break up Gang of Hoxie Robbers - Memphis Commercial pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-28T07:08:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-05-11 Memphis Commercial TN pg 12Not long after the deputy marshal's statements about Hoxie's robbers, one of the gang is caught and put in jail.media/1894-05-11 Attempts to Break up Gang of Hoxie Robbers - Memphis Commercial pg 1.pngplain2020-05-28T07:10:34-07:0005/11/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1902-12-05 Impressive Detailed List of LawCo Industries - Arkansas Democrat pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-03T18:47:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61902-12-05 Arkansas Democrat pg 32The Arkansas Democrat publishes a detailed list of Lawrence County industries and notable farm operations.media/1902-12-05 Impressive Detailed List of LawCo Industries - Arkansas Democrat pg 3.pngplain2020-06-03T18:55:02-07:0012/05/1902Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911-12-17 Classified Ad, Experienced Lumber Mill Operator Wanted in WR - AR Gazette pg 50_thumb.png2020-06-11T12:42:16-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61911-12-17 Arkansas Gazette pg 502A Walnut Ridge lumber mill operator with twenty years' experience advertises to seek a job as a mill manager or superintendent.media/1911-12-17 Classified Ad, Experienced Lumber Mill Operator Wanted in WR - AR Gazette pg 50.pngplain2020-06-11T12:45:16-07:0012/17/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-17T19:09:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61934-06-08 Mountain Home Baxter Bulletin pg 12A former resident describes antebellum Powhatan, including former industries there and the fate of a planned road from Powhatan to Crowley's Ridge leading near what became Walnut Ridge.media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1.pngplain2020-06-17T19:39:57-07:0006/08/1934Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1889-12-27 One Thousand RR Tie Makers Wanted for Cache Valley RR - New Orleans LA pg 5_thumb.png2020-05-17T19:39:52-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-12-27 New Orleans Times-Picayune LA pg 52A workforce of 1,000 tie-makers is wanted to help construct the Cache River Valley Railroad near Sedgwick.media/1889-12-27 One Thousand RR Tie Makers Wanted for Cache Valley RR - New Orleans LA pg 5.pngplain2020-05-17T19:41:14-07:0012/27/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-10-10 Interesting Letter Describing the Conditions in Black Rock - Muncie IN pg 5_thumb.png2020-05-28T11:08:14-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-10-10 Muncie Morning News IN pg 52A letter from Black Rock to an Indiana newspaper describes the conditions in the town, as well as remarking on St. Louis and its exposition.media/1894-10-10 Interesting Letter Describing the Conditions in Black Rock - Muncie IN pg 5.pngplain2020-05-28T11:14:03-07:0010/10/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1903-08-27 Business Mens League of WR Brings Stave Company to Town - AR Gazette pg 4_thumb.png2020-06-04T14:08:15-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61903-08-27 Arkansas Gazette pg 42The efforts of the Business Men's League of Walnut Ridge help bring a prospective factory to town.media/1903-08-27 Business Mens League of WR Brings Stave Company to Town - AR Gazette pg 4.pngplain2020-06-04T14:11:25-07:0008/27/1903Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-01-24 WR to St Louis Bulk Lumber Rate is 13 Cents - St Louis Star and Times pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-11T13:00:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-01-24 St Louis Star & Times MO pg 12An article about St. Louis rail freight rates notes that the bulk lumber rate from Walnut Ridge to St. Louis stands at thirteen cents.media/1912-01-24 WR to St Louis Bulk Lumber Rate is 13 Cents - St Louis Star and Times pg 1.pngplain2020-06-11T13:02:21-07:0001/24/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1877-04-10 WR Journal Showcases Walnut Trees - Memphis Daily Appeal TN pg 1_thumb.jpg2020-05-13T13:39:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61877-04-10 Memphis Daily Appeal TN pg 12The Walnut Ridge Journal newspaper highlights the town's extensive timber resources, especially in walnut, and its rail capabilities for exporting logs.media/1877-04-10 WR Journal Showcases Walnut Trees - Memphis Daily Appeal TN pg 1.jpgplain2020-05-13T13:43:45-07:0004/10/1877Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1886-02-10 Lovely Promotional Description of the Town of Black Rock - Memphis TN pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-26T08:25:20-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61886-02-10 Memphis Daily Appeal TN pg 42A visitor to Black Rock describes the state of the town and the surrounding countryside, including Bonita Springs.media/1886-02-10 Lovely Promotional Description of the Town of Black Rock - Memphis TN pg 4.pngplain2020-05-26T08:38:44-07:0002/10/1886Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1895-02-28 Sawmills Burned without Insurance - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 2_thumb.png2020-05-29T01:15:16-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61895-02-28 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 22Two sawmills, a shingle mill, and a barrel stave factory are destroyed by fire in Walnut Ridge, with no insurance to cover the loss.media/1895-02-28 Sawmills Burned without Insurance - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 2.pngplain2020-05-29T01:19:37-07:0002/28/1895Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1906-11-28 Portia Old-Timer Recalls Lots of Deer, Bear vs Yellow Jackets - Montgomery AL pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-06T09:47:00-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61906-11-28 Montgomery Times AL pg 82A resident of Lawrence County since 1852 speaks of seeing herds of twenty-five deer and bears fighting yellow jackets in years past.media/1906-11-28 Portia Old-Timer Recalls Lots of Deer, Bear vs Yellow Jackets - Montgomery AL pg 8.pngplain2020-06-06T09:50:46-07:0011/28/1906Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-02-25 Interesting Ad for WR School District Bonds for Sale - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 31_thumb.png2020-06-11T13:21:26-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-02-25 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 312Walnut Ridge School District bonds are listed for sale in a St. Louis newspaper advertisement.media/1912-02-25 Interesting Ad for WR School District Bonds for Sale - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 31.pngplain2020-06-11T13:24:16-07:0002/25/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1887-10-15 Details of Presidents Trip Through Ravenden and Hoxie - Atchison KS pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-26T09:08:32-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61887-10-15 Atchison Daily Champion KS pg 12A reporter describes President Cleveland's journey from Springfield to Memphis, including brief stops at Ravenden and Hoxie.media/1887-10-15 Details of Presidents Trip Through Ravenden and Hoxie - Atchison KS pg 1.pngplain2020-05-26T09:18:52-07:0010/15/1887Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-09-05 MINI JACKPOT, Great Town Description of Walnut Ridge - AR Gazette pg 12-min_thumb.png2020-05-30T15:53:58-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-09-05 Arkansas Gazette pg 122The Arkansas Gazette gives an affable and detailed description of Walnut Ridge, "a hustling city with one thousand inhabitants."media/1897-09-05 MINI JACKPOT, Great Town Description of Walnut Ridge - AR Gazette pg 12-min.pngplain2020-05-30T16:10:38-07:0009/05/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1907-05-04 Fractured Arm After Accident Walking Near RR Tracks - Rock Island IL pg 5_thumb.png2020-06-06T12:50:29-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61907-05-04 Rock Island Argus IL pg 52A man fractures his arm after he walks too close to the railroad tracks and is struck by an object sticking out from a rail car.media/1907-05-04 Fractured Arm After Accident Walking Near RR Tracks - Rock Island IL pg 5.pngplain2020-06-06T12:52:37-07:0005/04/1907Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1913-12-18 Powhatan Farmer in WR Taking Christmas Tree Orders - AR Democrat pg 16_thumb.png2020-06-12T14:56:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-12-18 Arkansas Democrat pg 162A Powhatan farmer visits Walnut Ridge to take Christmas tree orders.media/1913-12-18 Powhatan Farmer in WR Taking Christmas Tree Orders - AR Democrat pg 16.pngplain2020-06-12T14:58:32-07:0012/18/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911 Feb WR School Live Wire pt 1 of 2 - James Whitlow WR- Hoxie FB Mar 2018_thumb.jpg2020-07-08T15:35:14-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Document, Walnut Ridge "Live-Wire" School Newspaper, Feb 1911, pt 1 of 22The front and back covers of the first issue of a school newspaper, featuring several news articles and ads from local businesses; image courtesy of James Whitlow.media/1911 Feb WR School Live Wire pt 1 of 2 - James Whitlow WR- Hoxie FB Mar 2018.jpgplain2020-07-08T15:44:47-07:0002/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6