WHOA: Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Online ArchiveMain MenuIntroduction & NavigationArchive CrossroadsView Archive By Source ThemeView Archive By Timeline of SourcesView Archive By Source LocationsView Archive By Source TypeView Research on Pre-WWII WR & HoxieEdward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
Banks & Investment Tags
1media/First National Bank of WR Jan 4 1909 Ten Dollars Both Sides - Larry Dobbs FB WR-Hoxie Apr 2014.jpg2020-05-02T21:08:23-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6373763structured_gallery2020-06-23T14:44:11-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
This page has paths:
1media/WR Main St 1924 With Streetcar - AHPP Hist Dist Ntnl Register Form.jpg2020-05-02T10:16:09-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Commerce TagsEdward Harthorn6visual_path9919932020-05-14T16:13:54-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
Contents of this tag:
1media/1913-06 Hoxie1_thumb.jpg2020-04-27T19:21:32-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-06 Sanborn Map of Hoxie, pg 1 of 111Fire insurance map shows the three-railroad intersection at Hoxie and the growth of businesses around it.media/1913-06 Hoxie1.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:54:24-07:0006/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 2_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:22:51-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-02 Sanborn Map of WR, pg 2 of 27Map of the eastern half of Walnut Ridge, featuring numerous storefronts, dwellings, the first WR courthouse, and even a saloon at the corner of Main St. and Front St.media/1897-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 2.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:25:47-07:0002/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1916-11 Hoxie pg 1 of 1_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:43:52-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61916-11 Sanborn Map of Hoxie pg 1 of 16Hotels, warehouses, a YMCA, and a moving pictures theater are some of the many establishments noted in this map.media/1916-11 Hoxie pg 1 of 1.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:57:07-07:0011/1916Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T15:43:11-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-02 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 45Map showing the first three blocks north and south of East Main St., including the original locations of the school building and the Methodist Church.media/1904-02 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:33:34-07:0002/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-03T18:39:51-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61908-04 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 45Map of eastern Walnut Ridge featuring such businesses as a billiard hall, a bakery, and a theater.media/1908-04 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 4.jpgplain2020-05-07T21:44:59-07:0004/1908Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1895 LawCo Bank Ad - Geneology Trails_thumb.jpg2020-05-06T20:37:54-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Document, 1895 Lawrence County Bank of WR Ad4Advertisement card lists the names of its directors and officers at the time. Sourced from www.genealogytrails.com/ark/law/WALNUTRIDGEcomm.htmmedia/1895 LawCo Bank Ad - Geneology Trails.jpgplain2020-05-09T14:54:11-07:001895Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 7_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:27:29-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-03 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 74Shows the county courthouse and the blocks along Main St and Walnut St between W 2nd St and W 5th St.media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 7.jpgplain2020-05-09T12:15:53-07:0003/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 7_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:30:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-03 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 74Map of downtown Walnut Ridge, with the Main Street crossing of the Iron Mountain Railroad at center.media/1914-03 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 7.jpgplain2020-05-09T12:31:24-07:0003/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 8_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:50:32-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61919-05 Sanborn Map of WR pg 2 of 84Map of West Main St and the courthouse environs shows the advent of two more auto garages and even a vulcanizing shop since the 1914 map.media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 2 of 8.jpgplain2020-05-09T13:25:12-07:0005/1919Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 8_thumb.jpg2020-05-04T12:52:30-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61919-05 Sanborn Map of WR pg 3 of 84Map of downtown Walnut Ridge shows numerous new businesses including a marble works, a candy factory, and an ice cream factory.media/1919-05 Walnut Ridge pg 3 of 8.jpgplain2020-05-09T13:44:39-07:0005/1919Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1926-09-24 WR Area Farmers Expect Lean Growing Year - Tampa Times FL pg 7_thumb.png2020-06-16T21:36:06-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61926-09-24 Tampa Times FL pg 73Lawrence County farmers brace for a lean 1927 growing season; it is estimated that "less than 40 per cent of farmers in this county are able to pay their debts this year."media/1926-09-24 WR Area Farmers Expect Lean Growing Year - Tampa Times FL pg 7.pngplain2020-06-16T21:42:40-07:0009/24/1926Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-04-16 Hoxie Banker Goes Missing in Hot Springs - AR Democrat pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-13T13:44:15-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-04-16 Arkansas Democrat pg 63A Hoxie citizen staying in Hot Springs "to take the baths as a cure for rheumatism" goes missing.media/1917-04-16 Hoxie Banker Goes Missing in Hot Springs - AR Democrat pg 6.pngplain2020-06-13T13:58:27-07:0004/16/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1907-05-24 STL and Memphis RR Stockholders Mtg Announced - Arkansas Democrat pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-06T13:08:12-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61907-05-24 Arkansas Democrat pg 63A stockholders' meeting in Walnut Ridge is announced for the St. Louis & Memphis Railroad Company.media/1907-05-24 STL and Memphis RR Stockholders Mtg Announced - Arkansas Democrat pg 6.pngplain2020-06-06T13:26:14-07:0005/24/1907Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1903-03-27 WR Resident Says Hoxie-WR Rail Line Stock Selling Well - AR Democrat pg 7_thumb.png2020-06-03T19:32:27-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61903-03-27 Arkansas Democrat pg 72A Walnut Ridge resident stopping by Little Rock gives a reporter an update on the WR-Hoxie streetcar line's progress.media/1903-03-27 WR Resident Says Hoxie-WR Rail Line Stock Selling Well - AR Democrat pg 7.pngplain2020-06-03T19:34:42-07:0003/27/1903Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-02-25 Interesting Ad for WR School District Bonds for Sale - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 31_thumb.png2020-06-11T13:21:26-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-02-25 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 312Walnut Ridge School District bonds are listed for sale in a St. Louis newspaper advertisement.media/1912-02-25 Interesting Ad for WR School District Bonds for Sale - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 31.pngplain2020-06-11T13:24:16-07:0002/25/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1923-06-13 WR School Subject Awards Announced - Poplar Bluff Citizen Democrat MO pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-16T20:23:12-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61923-06-13 Poplar Bluff Citizen Democrat MO pg 32Twelve school subject award medals, sponsored by local citizens and firms, are awarded to students at Walnut Ridge.media/1923-06-13 WR School Subject Awards Announced - Poplar Bluff Citizen Democrat MO pg 3.pngplain2020-06-16T20:27:24-07:0006/13/1923Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/WR First National Bank Downtown Circa 1920s - Larry Dobbs FB Jul 2011_thumb.jpg2020-07-09T12:57:54-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Photo, First National Bank Building in Walnut Ridge, Circa 1920s2Image courtesy of Larry Dobbs.media/WR First National Bank Downtown Circa 1920s - Larry Dobbs FB Jul 2011.jpgplain2020-07-09T12:58:48-07:001920 - 1930Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1885-10-30 Hoxie to Pocahontas RR Exploratory Meeting Planned - AR Gazette pg 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T14:14:05-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61885-10-30 Arkansas Gazette pg 42A meeting is held in Memphis to raise support for the financing of a Pocahontas to Hoxie railroad.media/1885-10-30 Hoxie to Pocahontas RR Exploratory Meeting Planned - AR Gazette pg 4.jpgplain2020-05-14T14:16:42-07:0010/30/1885Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1905-05-14 WR Column, Social and Travel News Briefs - AR Democrat pg 14_thumb.png2020-06-05T11:37:18-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61905-05-14 Arkansas Democrat pg 142A listing of travel news briefs from Walnut Ridge shows some of the cities and towns that WR residents frequented.media/1905-05-14 WR Column, Social and Travel News Briefs - AR Democrat pg 14.pngplain2020-06-05T11:43:44-07:0005/14/1905Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1913-11-19 Running Water Drainage Ditch bonds - Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-12T14:38:47-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-11-19 Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 12The digging of Running Water Ditch begins, at a cost of $36,000.media/1913-11-19 Running Water Drainage Ditch bonds - Jonesboro Evening Sun pg 1.pngplain2020-06-12T14:39:52-07:0011/19/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/WR Street View Southeast Front St Postmark 9-8-1910 - Larry Dobbs FB WR and Hoxie Dec 2014_thumb.jpg2020-07-10T13:48:59-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Postcard, East Front Street, Walnut Ridge, 19102Postmarked September 8, 1910; note the opera house pictured at right. Image courtesy of Larry Dobbs.media/WR Street View Southeast Front St Postmark 9-8-1910 - Larry Dobbs FB WR and Hoxie Dec 2014.jpgplain2020-07-10T13:51:10-07:009/8/1910Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1889-06-30 WR and Hoxie Street Car Company Incorporated - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.png2020-05-17T15:40:47-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-06-30 Arkansas Gazette pg 22The Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Street Car Company is incorporated.media/1889-06-30 WR and Hoxie Street Car Company Incorporated - AR Gazette pg 2.pngplain2020-05-17T15:42:55-07:0006/30/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1905-06-29 Farmer Shoots Brother-in-Law Over Money - AR Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-05T12:50:33-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61905-06-29 Arkansas Democrat pg 12A farmer near Walnut Ridge shoots his brother-in-law over a spat about money he owed.media/1905-06-29 Farmer Shoots Brother-in-Law Over Money - AR Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-06-05T12:53:19-07:0006/29/1905Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1927-03-04 WR Merchant Has Old Coin from 1795 - Dothan Eagle AL pg 7_thumb.png2020-06-16T21:50:19-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61927-03-04 Dothan Eagle AL pg 72A Walnut Ridge merchant possesses an old U.S. half-dollar coin from 1795.media/1927-03-04 WR Merchant Has Old Coin from 1795 - Dothan Eagle AL pg 7.pngplain2020-06-16T21:52:50-07:0003/04/1927Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1892-04-24 Hoxie and Pocahontas Railroad Incorporated - AR Gazette pg 16_thumb.png2020-05-26T13:15:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61892-04-24 Arkansas Gazette pg 162The Hoxie and Pocahontas Railway Company is formally incorporated, with $250,000 in capital stock.media/1892-04-24 Hoxie and Pocahontas Railroad Incorporated - AR Gazette pg 16.pngplain2020-05-26T13:16:54-07:0004/24/1892Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1906-12-20 Cache Valley Railroad Co Stockholders Mtg - Arkansas Gazette pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-06T09:53:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61906-12-20 Arkansas Gazette pg 82The Cache Valley Railroad Company of Walnut Ridge announces an upcoming stockholders' meeting.media/1906-12-20 Cache Valley Railroad Co Stockholders Mtg - Arkansas Gazette pg 8.pngplain2020-06-06T09:56:31-07:0012/20/1906Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-05-25 Hoxie Banker Gone Six Weeks in Hot Springs, Feared Drowned - AR Gazette pg 12_thumb.png2020-06-14T09:57:57-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-05-25 Arkansas Gazette pg 122Hoxie banker William McCrawn, missing for six weeks and counting, is feared to have drowned in the Ouachita River.media/1917-05-25 Hoxie Banker Gone Six Weeks in Hot Springs, Feared Drowned - AR Gazette pg 12.pngplain2020-06-14T09:59:43-07:0005/25/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1930-11-20 Huge Fire Destroys Block on Main St WR - Dexter Messenger MO pg 4_thumb.png2020-06-17T13:31:18-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61930-11-20 Dexter Messenger MO pg 42A fire destroys an entire city block on Main Street in Walnut Ridge.media/1930-11-20 Huge Fire Destroys Block on Main St WR - Dexter Messenger MO pg 4.pngplain2020-06-17T13:34:25-07:0011/20/1930Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-09-05 MINI JACKPOT, Great Town Description of Walnut Ridge - AR Gazette pg 12-min_thumb.png2020-05-30T15:53:58-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-09-05 Arkansas Gazette pg 122The Arkansas Gazette gives an affable and detailed description of Walnut Ridge, "a hustling city with one thousand inhabitants."media/1897-09-05 MINI JACKPOT, Great Town Description of Walnut Ridge - AR Gazette pg 12-min.pngplain2020-05-30T16:10:38-07:0009/05/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-05-29 WR-Hoxie Compress Company Formed, With Local Stock Holders - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.png2020-06-14T10:12:30-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-05-29 Arkansas Gazette pg 22A Walnut Ridge-Hoxie Compress Company is formed by a coalition of local and nonresident stockholders.media/1917-05-29 WR-Hoxie Compress Company Formed, With Local Stock Holders - AR Gazette pg 2.pngplain2020-06-14T10:13:33-07:0005/29/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1932-10-06 Hoxie Bank Robbers Start Downtown Fire - Poplar Bluff Republican MO pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-17T18:06:19-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61932-10-06 Poplar Bluff Republican MO pg 82In trying to blast open a safe, bank robbers at Hoxie start a downtown fire that destroys five buildings.media/1932-10-06 Hoxie Bank Robbers Start Downtown Fire - Poplar Bluff Republican MO pg 8.pngplain2020-06-17T18:40:31-07:0010/06/1932Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1901-09-24 AR Democrat Correspondent Visits, Describes WR and Pocahontas - AR Democrat pg 5_thumb.png2020-06-03T10:11:26-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61901-09-24 Arkansas Democrat pg 52An Arkansas Democrat correspondent visits Walnut Ridge and Pocahontas and describes the two towns.media/1901-09-24 AR Democrat Correspondent Visits, Describes WR and Pocahontas - AR Democrat pg 5.pngplain2020-06-03T10:18:33-07:0009/24/1901Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1909-02-05 First National Bank of WR Established - Wall St Journal New York NY pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-07T18:41:14-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61909-02-05 New York Wall Street Journal NY pg 82The First National Bank of Walnut Ridge is formally established.media/1909-02-05 First National Bank of WR Established - Wall St Journal New York NY pg 8.pngplain2020-06-07T18:42:01-07:0002/05/1909Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-12-02 Skeleton of Hoxie Man Finally Found, In Hot Springs Attic - AR Gazette pg 10_thumb.png2020-06-15T10:04:17-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-12-02 Arkansas Gazette pg 102The skeleton of a Hoxie banker is found in a Hot Springs attic, nearly eight months after he went missing.media/1917-12-02 Skeleton of Hoxie Man Finally Found, In Hot Springs Attic - AR Gazette pg 10.pngplain2020-06-15T10:08:44-07:0012/02/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/First National Bank of WR Jan 4 1909 Ten Dollars Both Sides - Larry Dobbs FB WR-Hoxie Apr 2014_thumb.jpg2020-06-23T14:40:11-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Document, First National Bank of Walnut Ridge $10 Banknote2A Walnut Ridge banknote featuring a portrait of President McKinley on the front; image courtesy Larry Dobbs.media/First National Bank of WR Jan 4 1909 Ten Dollars Both Sides - Larry Dobbs FB WR-Hoxie Apr 2014.jpgplain2020-06-23T14:42:43-07:0001/04/1909FBMD01000aa6030000121b00002f4b0000544c0000405000001c8d000067e300005ce8000097ec0000fef30000278c0100Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1902-12-05 Impressive Detailed List of LawCo Industries - Arkansas Democrat pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-03T18:47:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61902-12-05 Arkansas Democrat pg 32The Arkansas Democrat publishes a detailed list of Lawrence County industries and notable farm operations.media/1902-12-05 Impressive Detailed List of LawCo Industries - Arkansas Democrat pg 3.pngplain2020-06-03T18:55:02-07:0012/05/1902Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1910-10-20 Ad for WR Man Asking for a Loan to Improve Town Property - Davenport IA pg 12_thumb.png2020-06-10T11:35:31-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61910-10-20 Davenport Quad-City Times IA pg 122A Walnut Ridge man advertises to ask for a loan "to improve town property on ten years time at 6 per cent."media/1910-10-20 Ad for WR Man Asking for a Loan to Improve Town Property - Davenport IA pg 12.pngplain2020-06-10T11:37:27-07:0010/20/1910Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1921-05-21 Plate Glass Window in WR Attorneys Office Broken - Pittsburgh PA pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-16T14:40:03-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61921-05-21 Pittsburgh Daily Post PA pg 62A recently installed window at the office of a Walnut Ridge attorney is mysteriously broken.media/1921-05-21 Plate Glass Window in WR Attorneys Office Broken - Pittsburgh PA pg 6.pngplain2020-06-16T14:42:03-07:0005/21/1921Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-10-09 Arkansas Gazette pg 6 - Mrs Bagley Gives 1000 Reward for Clues to Isoms Death_thumb.png2020-07-07T10:14:28-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-10-09 Arkansas Gazette pg 62N. E. Bagley, widow of Isom Bagley, offers a $1000 reward for info leading to the identification and arrest of her late husband's murderer.media/1912-10-09 Arkansas Gazette pg 6 - Mrs Bagley Gives 1000 Reward for Clues to Isoms Death.pngplain2020-07-07T10:17:46-07:0010/09/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1902-12-10 WR and Hoxie Transit Company Incorporated - AR Democrat pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-03T19:01:12-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61902-12-10 Arkansas Democrat pg 82The Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Light, Power, & Transit Company is incorporated, with plans to build a 1.5-mile-long streetcar line between the two cities.media/1902-12-10 WR and Hoxie Transit Company Incorporated - AR Democrat pg 8.pngplain2020-06-03T19:03:37-07:0012/10/1902Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911-08-15 Forger Caught in Arizona Wanted in WR for Bank Fraud - Tucson AZ pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-11T12:03:22-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61911-08-15 Tucson Arizona Daily Star AZ pg 62A forger caught in Arizona is wanted in Walnut Ridge for bank fraud.media/1911-08-15 Forger Caught in Arizona Wanted in WR for Bank Fraud - Tucson AZ pg 6.pngplain2020-06-11T12:05:07-07:0008/15/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1922-03-18 Man Gets Life in Prison for Murder During Alicia Bank Robbery - Bartlesville OK pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-16T18:27:46-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61922-03-18 Bartlesville Morning Examiner OK pg 12A Missouri man is sentenced to life in prison for murdering a man during an Alicia bank robbery.media/1922-03-18 Man Gets Life in Prison for Murder During Alicia Bank Robbery - Bartlesville OK pg 1.pngplain2020-06-16T18:29:13-07:0003/18/1922Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911 Feb WR School Live Wire pt 1 of 2 - James Whitlow WR- Hoxie FB Mar 2018_thumb.jpg2020-07-08T15:35:14-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Document, Walnut Ridge "Live-Wire" School Newspaper, Feb 1911, pt 1 of 22The front and back covers of the first issue of a school newspaper, featuring several news articles and ads from local businesses; image courtesy of James Whitlow.media/1911 Feb WR School Live Wire pt 1 of 2 - James Whitlow WR- Hoxie FB Mar 2018.jpgplain2020-07-08T15:44:47-07:0002/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6