Understory 2020

Indigo Skies

Life is lonely when you’re all that you have.

A young woman realizes this only after she leaves home to pursue schooling and a career. She leaves behind the only family she ever had. They’ve always been there through her whole life and she couldn’t remember a time being on her own.

Out in the big world she meets a young man.

The young man gives her love and brings her into a new world of things she’s never experienced before.

She sees the world through new eyes. She loves with a passion she has never felt before. It’s not until it’s too late that she realizes that maybe she loved a little too hard and found it hard to let go.

He rushes her at first.

She’s not ready but wants to give him everything so she stays quiet and grins and bears it. She falls deeper after that. He never leaves his phone or lets it out of his sight. She remains suspicious but doesn’t question for fears she doesn’t want to face. He begins to find comfort in friends, and she finds herself being on her own more.

He takes and takes, and she gives and gives.

One day she realizes she is alone with his friend that is his phone and takes advantage of the situation by searching its secrets. She feels horribly guilty only to feel even worse later when she finds her suspicions confirmed.

She cries.

He makes excuses.

She loves him more than anything, so she forgives.

They find themselves four years later ready to transition to another part of their lives by moving.

She wants to go home.

He wants to go home.

Once again, she gives, and he takes.

They compromise and move to his home.

His home is where his family is. His home is where old friends are. His home is where past comforts become present comforts once again while she finds herself feeling disconcerted and lonely. He once again starts seeking comfort and has become his phone’s best friend once more. She has no one. He comes home and takes, and she gives some more.

She gives and gives until finally she can give no more.

He starts being gentle.

He uses sweet words and little gifts to make her feel loved again.
She accepts gullibly because she loves him. She loves him more than anything and wants him to be happy. He starts taking again and she gives some more.

Four years and three months into a push and pull relationship and the young woman stops giving to him again. She’s tired of the lies. She’s tired of playing nice. She’s tired of being something she’s not for him. He uses his tricks again to try and pull her in, but she knows better now. She doesn’t want to leave him because she loves him, but she no longer wishes to give. She no longer wishes to be selfless. She stops giving him what he wants.

He manipulates and uses hurtful words, but she stands firm.

She loves him so she wishes to start over with him. She wants to get to know him again, to love him again and do so slowly. Impatient as always, he spits on her ideals.

They grow apart.

She tries her best to keep things together but fails.

Four years and six months and he calls it off. Four years and six months of love, happiness, hurt, comfort, and hard work are gone, and he leaves her behind. Did she ever really know him at all?

Stuck in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people the young woman works to rebuild herself. At first, she struggles and cries and grieves with the realization that she was always all that she had all those years gone by.

The loneliness hurts and she finds new love.

His eyes are big and brown, and his hair is soft and as fluffy as a cloud.

Fluffy as a cloud and the color of blue like a dreary sky on a rainy day turned sunny. He's inquisitive and loves unconditionally, asking for nothing in return.

She embraces her newfound love and works hard for herself and for him so that they can find a better life. When life is hard, she cuddles him and tells him things. He’s always there and never judges.

Five years later after life lessons learned and the young woman has matured, she goes home.

He comes with.

He is my one true love, my friend, and my family. I’m all that he has.

Never again alone, I call him Indigo.

KATIE STAMPER is a junior pursuing a Baccalaureate degree in English with a minor in History. Katie is going to school to eventually become an English teacher for middle or high school students because she wants to be a positive influence on students of the future generations. She is a Navy sailor who works at a doggy daycare and has a strong love for reading, writing, anime, and K-pop. She likes to have a positive outlook on life and spread that positivity to others. 


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