1media/1955_Dodge-thumb.jpgmedia/Dodge_03_1955 Dodge.jpg2020-07-06T11:38:18-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479375143plain2020-08-22T15:51:10-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eThis detail of a rear bumper from the 1955 Dodge models shows the influence of aviation design on carmakers. The configuration for these taillights was known as twin-jet for visually apparent reasons. Among the company’s advertisements that year were a description of “a sweptback New Horizon windshield that encircles you in a glass cockpit to give you unlimited visibility” and a car model that captured “the flair of the future—from the bold, forward thrust of its hood to the flaring rear deck.”