1media/1956_Lincoln_Premiere_Luxury_Sedan-thumb.jpgmedia/Lincoln_02.jpg2020-06-30T10:33:09-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479375148plain2020-08-28T13:26:13-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eThe Lincoln Premiere debuted in 1956 as a mid-priced luxury sedan situated below Ford’s flagship Continental line. While borrowing somewhat from the entry-level Capri series, the Premiere was known for its stylish exterior, which included a front windshield that partially wrapped around the sides, recessed headlamps, and a dramatic hood ornament resembling the prow of a ship. On the inside, the optional air conditioning system utilized overhead vents like those found in commercial airplanes. A pair of clear plastic ducts visible through the rear window at each side delivered the cool air to passengers.