The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Interface of the 2021 Web Edition of Figurski

When the Electronic Literature Lab translated Richard Holeton's Figurski at Findhorn on Acid from Storyspace into open Web languages, the interface was redesigned so that it would appeal to contemporary audiences. At the same time, it sought to preserve elements of the canonical 2001 Edition published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. For example, the landing page retains the image of the pig that graced the cover of the jewel case from the 2001 Edition. The typeface of the work's title and author's name, though updated to a Google font, maintains the zany feel of the original. The psychedelic swirl of color used in the background recalls the drug-induced humor that marks this hypertext novel as one of the only comedies published by the company and has made it one of the most beloved works of the period.


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