Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Social Media Content for Rob Kendall's "A Life Set for Two"

We posted to three main sites on Facebook: 1) the site Grigar set up in 2013 for the Pathfinders project, entitled "elitpathfinders,"  with 245 followers, 2) the Electronic Literature Organization's page with over 1600 members, and 3) Grigar's own site. ELL Team members with a Facebook page also posted to their own sites. 

This post, the first we put on Facebook, introduced the event to the general public on the day of the event.

The following posts release new information about the work for the audience who do not have prior knowledge of A Life Set for Two.

The next two posts comment on the perspective of the reader and the lens for which the story is written.

The next four Facebook posts offer information on digital poetry.

The following post offers information on the presenter of the live Traversal, Dr. John Barber.

The last two Facebook posts announce the start and end of the Q&A section for the live Traversal.

We tweeted the Traversal on two accounts: 1) Nicholas Schiller's account, with 2,200 followers and 2) ELL Team Member Katie Bowen. Bowen was in charge of posting and reposting on Twitter during the event. The hashtag we used was #elitpathfinders, the same hashtag developed for the original Pathfinders project.

The first posts announce the event ahead of time using the hashtag #elitpathfinders.


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