Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Resources for Rob Kendall's A Life Set for Two"

During the production of this book, Rob Kendall sent files pertaining to his unpublished poetry to the Electronic Literature Lab's archives. Links to those works accessible via the web are provided below. Also included are images Grigar took of his work (found in Box 1) during her visit to The Robert Kendall Collection at the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University and screen captures of the Flash-based poem, "Faith."

"After Closing" (1997)
The two documents accompany the poem. The first is the text of the poem, while the second serves as the introduction to the poem and reflects the author's thoughts about poetry.

1. Document entitled "After Closing Final Version"

2. Document entitled "Intro to After Closing"

3. Folder containing the executable file

"The Clue: A MiniMystery in the Form of a SoftPoem" (1991)

1. Folder containing the executable file

"Faith" (2002)
These are photos Grigar took of Kendall's original manuscript of the poem while she conducted research at the Rubinstein library. Also included in these resources are the screenshots she took of the poem constituting the final version. The comparison of the two versions––the hand-written manuscript and the screenshots of the version currently online––comprise the subject of her essay, "Notes & Observations on Rob Kendall's 'Faith.'" The work is available from several sources, such as the Electronic Literature Organization's Electronic Literature Collection 1, and requires Flash.

1. Original Hand-Written Manuscript of the Poem

The two folders holding the manuscript of "Faith"​

Screen 1

Screen 2​

Screen 3

Screen 4A

Screen 4B

2. Final Online Version

Screen 1 tiff jpg
Screen 2 tiff jpg
Screen 3 tiff jpg
Screen 4 tiff jpg
Screen 5 tiff jpg

"It All Comes Down To ____" (1992)

Folder containing the executable file

"Life Story" (2011)
This work serves as a companion to another of Kendall's poems, "Faith." It requires Flash.

"Rain" (2002)

Folder containing the flash files (.fla and .swf) for this work

"The Visitation of St. America" (1997)

Folder containing files for the draft of this work


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