James Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African-American's Leadership in Jim Crow TexasMain MenuJames Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African American's Leadership in Jim Crow TexasIntroductionSlave No MoreFreedman after Bondage 1865 - 1955African American LeadershipContenders for the TitleJames Lee DickeyThe Leadership of James Lee DickeyLocations in Dr. James Lee Dickey's StoryGoogle locations for Dr. Dickey's BiographyMaureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
The Beginning
12017-07-25T16:56:21-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b197018plain2018-03-29T04:09:04-07:0031.54328 N, -97.11462 WMaureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bNo birth certificate recorded the time, date, or location of James Lee Dickey's arrival though November 12, 1893, marks his communally celebrated birthday. Parents John and Linnie (Sears) Dickey delivered their eldest child at their McLennan County home, as was typical of colored families at the time. Eventually, the Dickey family relocated to their permanent residence near Baylor University at 408 University Street in Waco, Texas. Eight more children soon joined the household. John and Linnie both worked diligently to provide, John working as a waiter and Linnie caring for the family. The A.M.E. Church provided spiritual nourishment and a strong sense of community. As young Dickey grew, this was his quest.
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1media/James Lee Dickey.pngmedia/dicky_award1ps-copy_compressed.jpg2018-03-07T02:25:35-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bJames Lee DickeyMaureen Gray4splash2018-03-29T03:18:05-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
12018-03-29T04:07:38-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bLocations in Dr. James Lee Dickey's StoryMaureen Gray3Google locations for Dr. Dickey's Biographygoogle_maps2018-03-29T04:33:19-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
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12017-07-25T16:51:07-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bA. M. E. ChurchMaureen Gray3plain2017-07-27T11:25:25-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
12018-03-29T04:07:38-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bLocations in Dr. James Lee Dickey's StoryMaureen Gray2Google locations for Dr. Dickey's Biographygoogle_maps2018-03-29T04:32:03-07:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
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12017-07-11T11:28:42-07:00JLD Parent1Photo of John Dickey and Linnie (Sears) Dickeymedia/John and Linnie Dickey.pngplain2017-07-11T11:28:42-07:00