James Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African-American's Leadership in Jim Crow Texas

Accolades For a Good Man

As if a dam had broken, several other entities awarded the good doctor. The Taylor Negro Chamber of Commerce honored him less than a month later. His alma mater, Tillotson College, selected him “Alumnus of the Year” and granted him a Doctor of Humanities degree in 1953. Two years later Tillotson College, where Dr. Dickey served as a trustee, also named its new science building “The Dickey-Lawless Building” in his honor. In March, the Lone Star Medical Association selected Dickey the “General Practitioner of the Year,” and Paul Quinn College bestowed an honorary law degree. The news raced nation-wide. He was interviewed for Life Magazine and Time Magazine in addition to appearing on television’s “Texas in Review” and “Today” Show with Dave Garroway as host.

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