Housing Inequality in America

Immigrant Housing in America

Daily, immigrants and refugees from different parts of the world enter the United States in droves. This is increasingly promoting multicultural and ethnic diversity in America. However, these immigrants are faced with different challenges of settlement. A leading concern among these challenges faced by immigrants is the problem of housing. Housing inequality and homelessness have continued to constitute limiting barriers to success and life fullfilment for many immigrants in the United States. Specifically, housing segregation is one major complicated challenge for many immigrants. Studies indicate that immigrants are more likely to spend more of their income on rent compare to native-born. This reality often alters the dream of homeownership for many immigrants, which often negatively impacts other aspects of their lives.

This paper examines the many challenges faced by immigrants in terms of access to quality and affordable housing. The paper draws on existing literature to reify the frustrating immigrant housing experience in the United States and how this constitutes a form of social inequality for immigrants. In addition, the study examines how factors like race, immigration status, religion and language form major catalysts of immigrant housing discrimination. From a personal experience as an international student, I have experienced various challenges with housing. These include my inability to provide certain citizenship details, including an American guarantor, social security details, and other documents to rental agencies. This posed some initial difficulties to my settling down and completing the necessary school registration. This personal experience is one of the challenges faced by immigrants in the United States.

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