Feeding a Crowd

Gỏi cuốn (Spring Rolls)

Oahn Vu shared a beautiful family tradition during the AEDA FreshLo Community meal about Gỏi cuốn, or spring rolls in English. Vu shares “I’ve done this with family and I’ve done this with friends… you have all the ingredients in the middle of the table and you grab the ingredients. You sit down and make the food as you are eating it, it is an easy way to participate”.

I love spring rolls and was inspired by Vu and this tradition. I gathered all the ingredients and did this with my family. As Vu shares it is a relatively easy for everyone to participate and share. I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you are as inspired by Oahn Vu as I was. I have attached the spring roll recipe that I used but of course alter it to fit your dietary needs or tastes.


Ingredients for Gỏi cuốn (Spring Rolls):



Ingredients for Dipping Sauce(s):





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