The Progressive Dinner Party Restored

The 39 Works

Below are the 39 works within The Progressive Dinner Party listed in alphabetical order by title. Each title is a link to the corresponding artist's plate within the website. Also included underneath each title are tags describing the work.

Frames, Tables, Interactive Imagery, Area Maps, GIFs, High Interactivity, JavaScript, Hypertext, Macro Hypertext, Micro Hypertext, Slideshows, Video, Audio, Page Refresh, Linear, Proprietary Software, Collaboration, Flash, Shockwave

Agatha Appears

Frames, High Interactivity, Interactive Imagery

Being Human

Macro Hypertext


Macro Hypertext, JavaScript

Blood Puppets: A Premillennium Manifesto

Tables, Slideshows

Bound and Gagged

Page Refresh, GIFs, Video, Audio

Brain Dress B

JavaScript, Tables, Interactive Imagery

Charmed Horizon

Tables, JavaScript, Interactive Imagery

Cutting Edges or A Web of Women


Dark Lethe

Macro Hypertext, Tables, Collaboration



Empty Velocity

Hypertext, Proprietary Software (Macromedia, QuickTime), Audio, JavaScript

Endless Suburbs

Hypertext, Frames, Java Applets



Glass Houses

Hypertext, Proprietary Software (Adobe PageMill)


Shockwave, Flash, Audio


Hypertext, Shockwave, JavaScript, Tables

Illusions, Philosophical Toy World

Proprietary Software (Adobe GoLive 4), Frames


Hypertext, Frames, Page Refresh, Collaboration

Light is Silent

Micro Hypertext, Frames, Tables


Hypertext, JavaScript

LiLy Pond: a poststructural gardening thriller

Micro Hypertext, Page Refresh, Video

Los Dias y Los Noches de las Muertas

Frames, Interactive Imagery, Audio

Mother Millennia

Hypertext, Collaboration

Mountain Rumbles

Micro Hypertext, Frames

my body: A Wunderkammer

Hypertext, Area Maps, Tables

Noon Quilt

Hypertext, Collaboration, Tables, JavaScript

Pronunciation: 'fut' or: A Tool and its Means

Flash, JavaScript, Area Maps


Hypertext, Shockwave, Tables

Salome went to Soho to See Her Poster in a Show

Tables, Interactive Imagery

Silicon Valley Journal

Micro Hypertext

skeleton sky: a millennium poem

Hypertext, Tables

The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot

Hypertext, Frames

The Book after the Book

Hypertext, Tables, JavaScript, Page Refresh

The Electronic Chronicles


The Flight of A821: Dearchiving the Proceedings of a Birdsong.


The Intruder

Shockwave, Audio, High Interactivity

The Roar of Destiny Emanated from the Refrigerator. I got up to get a beer.

Hypertext, Page Refresh, Audio

*water always writes in *plural

Hypertext, Shockwave, Audio

Zones of Recognition


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