Race and the Digital: Racial Formation and 21st Century Technologies


As evident in this paper, the topic of the digital divide is a growing issue. Despite the advancements and undeniable effects of this "digital revolution," there remains major limits on who has access to and who can participate in the digital world. While many argue that the digital divide is closing when it comes to the exposure to content, the participation and engagement in the creation and distribution of it continues to be unequally distributed by social background. It must be noted that although this paper focused on the relation between ICTs and race and ethnicity, other social factors such as urbanity, household income, and educational attainment all play major roles in the digital divide. So why does the digital divide matter? Why does it matter that some people use the internet more than others? Why does it matter that some people are participating on the internet and others are not? It matters because it is the same groups that are stratified in the real world that are also stratified in the digital world. Conversely, digital inequalities further hinders the social inequalities faced by minoritized groups out in the real world. Being active and having access to ICTs brings a range of benefits to those that have the means. Individuals are able to express themselves culturally and politically, engage in higher learning, connect with various people across the world, and further advance their lives economically. Of course those without the means suffer. There is a need to bridge the digital divide and it all starts with awareness. Pinterest is a social media platform that can provide a wide range of opportunities for cultural self-expression but we first need provide individuals with the tools and resources needed to access and engage with new media platforms like this.


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