This path was created by Maria Frank. 

Field Guides to Food

People are eager to promote healthier eating habits...

...via regionally produced food, but these may be more accessible to people who can afford to pay a premium.

This statement was based on passages from "Finding Food in Farm Country"...
Two Plainview women who wanted to assure that fresh-cooked meals could be created from organic foods took the bold step of starting their own restaurant. A cluster of organic growers near Oak Center has labored persistently for two decades, against great odds, to raise organic produce for an expanding urban market.
It is not apparent on the surface why, in the midst of one of the most powerful agricultural systems in the world, such relatively fragile and small initiatives would even be necessary. (p.3)

What makes each initiative effective is that each builds connections among community members, and each builds wealth that takes root in the local community. (p.5)
...and "Opportunities for Learning, Leadership, and Impact."
A sustainable regional food system is guided by several principles [including that] is accessible and affordable to all citizens. (p.3)

Benefits [of a sustainable regional food system] include... access to healthy, local food for vulnerable communities and a broader public, while building self-esteem and community pride. (p.48)
It is also reflected in a statement by the Land Stewardship Project.
Diversified agricultural systems--organic in particular--are a luxury the world can ill afford at a time when the population has surpassed six billion people, say scientists like Nobel Prize-winning plant breeder Norman Borlaug. John Emsely, a chemist at Cambridge University has called organic farming "the greatest catastrophe that the human race could face," according to World Watch. Supporters of industrialized agriculture have argued for years that the only way to feed billions of mouths is by raising crops and livestock in large-scale specialized systems reliant on petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides.

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