This path was created by Maria Frank. 

Field Guides to Food

People are building regional food economies...

...that enable healthy, fair, and transparent social relations between different sectors of the food system.

This statement was based on "Farm to School in Minnesota: A Survey of School Foodservice Leaders"...
The top four reasons to buy local foods were: "Support the local economy," "Support Minnesota farms/businesses," "Good public relations," and "Increase student consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables."
...the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's page on agricultural land preservation statutes...
"The Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves Act of 1980 established an agricultural land protection program in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area... Farmers receive property tax credits and additional benefits by placing a restrictive covenant on their qualifying land, limiting its use to
...and the Winona County Local Foods Inventory.
"The inventory consists of general information about the supply and demand for local foods in Winona County, as well as a directory of local food producers, processors, and potential institutional buyers. It represents a first step toward a greater understanding of the state of local food production and consumption in Winona County, and, ideally, a step toward increased sales of local foods to local institutions."

It is also reflected in statements from the Organic Field School (on a past version of their webpage, before being merged into Gardens of Eagan programming)...
"Food purchasers, organizations, farmers, policy makers, educators and the businesses that have roles in the local, organic food system - all benefit from having access to a successful, economically viable, working, organic farm. Each plays a key role in the food system we wish to create."
...the National Gardening Association (on a past version of their webpage)...
Community gardens provide a source of food, add aesthetic value, encourage physical activity, help preserve cultural identity and, most importantly, cultivate neighborhood relationships.
...and the group Promoting Modern Agriculture.

In the age of social media, a lot of information is available and it
spreads rapidly. Social media multiples the impact of inaccurate
information... Agriculture is way behind the general population on the use of social media

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