Exhibiting Historical Art: Out of the Vault: Stories of People and Things

1982: Historical Context of "Revolutions Per Minute"

"Revolutions Per Minute: The Art Record" was published in 1982.  Ronald Reagan was serving as President of the United States, Brezhnev was the leader of the Soviet Union, and Margaret Thatcher was serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  This led many to fear that, after, 30 years of the Cold War, nuclear war was imminent, and allowed the Nuclear Freeze Movement to continue gaining momentum in their fight for the end of nuclear weapons. The United States was also facing its worst economic recession since the Great Depression.  In popular culture, space and technology were reaching the height of their popularity, as space themed movies, television shows, and even rides as Disney World proliferated around the country.

The Cold War
-Brezhnev leader of the Soviet Union
-U.S. had boycotted summer Olympics in Moscow in 1980

Ronald Reagan
-elected largely due to his anti-soviet (anti-detente) stance
-Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister in the U.K.; discuss fears regarding their friendship/cooperation and imminent nuclear war

Nuclear Freeze Movement
-gaining momentum/popularity
-large rally hosted in New York -- culmination of the movement
-had a great fear that Reagan would lead the world to a nuclear apocalypse 

Economic Recession
-economy tanked in 1982; worst economic recession since the great depression
-"Blue-collar workers who had largely supported Reagan were hard hit, as many lost their jobs." (PBS - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/general-article/reagan-recession/)

Space Program (Star Trek, E.T. released in theaters)


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