Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingMain MenuAboutAbstract for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PIntroductionIntroduction to Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingNotesNotes for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PMediaMedia for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PAcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PTechnical InformationTechnical Information for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PReferencesReferences for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PJentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339This essay is part of the “New Media” special issue of American Literature (volume 85, number 4, December 2013). See Version 1 of the site is (c) 2013 by Duke University Press.
From Print to Film and Radio
12013-10-21T10:16:41-07:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca53392498Reeve Becomes a Detective Himself, Using Then-New Media to Advance His Messageplain2013-12-26T19:56:40-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339Reeve was so inspired by this quality of accessibility that he became invested in becoming a detective himself. John Locke, who edited a collection of Reeve’s work and wrote a short biography on him, notes how many people actually addressed the writer as “Mr. Kennedy” (2007, 131). Reeve was not only seen adorning the covers of magazines featuring the Kennedy stories; he also became actively involved in crime prevention, particularly after his genre expanded into film and radio during the 1910s and 1920s. For instance, in April 1930 he started a radio show named—creatively enough—“Crime Prevention Program,” for which he underwent training with the New York City Police. On top of original drama, the program involved guest speakers (including New York Police Commissioner Edward Mulrooney) as well as Reeve’s own editorials on crime prevention. Shortly after the radio program commenced, Reeve ambitiously declared the formation of a nationwide “Crime Crusade Foundation.” Essentially a media campaign, it would join together crime prevention organizations across the country through a magazine, radio hour, book, and newsreel in order to collectively combat racketeering (Locke 2007, 33-34). The Foundation never gained steam. Still, as Locke describes Reeve’s turn from writing for magazines like Cosmopolitan to producing with media like radio: “If detective fiction had been a vessel for imparting science, Reeve was simply changing the broth” (33). Of course, as the “broth” changed, so, too, did the practices and settings through which Reeve exposed those he dogmatically deemed yeggmen and crooks.
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1media/background.png2013-10-30T16:19:36-07:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339AboutJentery Sayers52Abstract for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013), http://10.1215/00029831-2370230, Duke U Pplain83862013-12-27T07:40:22-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339
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12013-10-14T12:41:20-07:00His Genre Expanded into Film3Reeve began to write for film in the late 1910splain2013-12-19T19:46:24-08:00During the turn from the 1910s to the 1920s, Reeve’s work largely shifted from writing for magazines to writing for film. 1918 was the year of his last story for Cosmopolitan.
12013-12-17T10:26:53-08:00Reeve’s The Clutching Hand (1936)4Arthur B. Reeve, The Clutching Hand (1936) (Radio Version)media/kennedy.mp3plain2013-12-27T05:19:43-08:00
12013-10-14T12:41:20-07:00Writing for Film2Reeve began to write for film in the late 1910s.plain2013-11-18T12:24:56-08:00