Writing With Substance: You Can Haz it! SRSLY!

Reading and Writing: Assignment 2

This assignment is another attempt to encourage you to think about the way reading informs substantive writing. You will complete this portion of the assignment prior to your arrival to class; I'll tell you about the next step in class, where we will work on additional parts. 

  1.  Between now and the next class, I want you to come up with three subjects (defined broadly or narrowly) that you want to learn more about in college. They can be subjects you'll be covering in courses this semester, but they can also be things you're interested in but are not yet able to take, or things you aren't sure are even academic areas of study.  Indeed, one of the lessons I hope you'll learn quickly as we move through our work is that almost anything can lead to deep, analytical thinking and academic inquiry. 
  2. Check your university email account for an email from me inviting you to contribute to a Google document (connected to your university email account). 
  3. Use the link therein to access the document; as indicated in the instructions, list your subjects in the document. You and I will be the only people who have access to that document, so you need not worry about what your classmates think about your interests. I'm going to see them, but I will view them with an eye towards helping you explore them as well as develop and refine them into viable paper topics for this course.
  4. For each subject, write a few sentences that explain your interest in it and the source of your existing knowledge. What motivates your curiosity and desire to learn more?  What, if anything, have you read about these topics thus far? 
  5. Then consider how you might supplement what you already know and write a few more sentence for each What sorts of publications on the Internet might help you get started? What kinds of scholars do you think might write about your subjects? What academic disciplines might study your subjects? (If you can't think of any, that's fine--review the list of Academic Departments and Programs at our university and see if that helps.)
  6. You need not submit your work anywhere; I will be able to access your work at the same link.  

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