Appendix 3: Link Round-up & Notes From Class Discussions
Fall 2015:
- September 9: Ta-Nehesi Coates Speech and interview. His 10 favorite books for the New York Times. His AMA on Reddit.
- September 28: Class chat on FB study and related articles.
- October 7: News story in New Brunswick Today on Proctor-Track company and student privacy at Rutgers and another in the New York Times. Also: The Government is hiring!
- October 17: Oh, hey, Facebook is draining your battery AND following your every move! :)
- October 28: It happens be the Hofstra Day of Dialogue and also Campus Equity Week
- November 2: Toilet paper is 'a real issue' at Ryerson U (additional coverage here)
- November 2: A 'skeptical' response to adjunct organizing at Marquette University from a Full-Time tenured faculty member at Marquette
- November 2: Here are links to three documents that are probably useful for learning more about Hofstra faculty's IT yse and contracts. The first is the Faculty Policy Series (data/privacy group see #99, item J; adjunct group see #2,9, & 12). The second is the Collective Bargaining Agreement (pdf); adjunct group can search the whole document for "adjunct," but see especially article 6 on working conditions. The Data group will likely find little in the CBA, which may be in and of itself interesting; there is also very little on protecting student data in the FPS, so think more about that fact and what it means. The Data/Privacy group has already seen Blackboard's privacy terms but could consider all of these products that Faculty Computing supports and links that are for faculty may help you see the degree to which your professors are encouraged to think critically about the products/vendors that they use in your classes.
- CUNY professional staff planning "disruptive action" (not a strike, but...)
- November 23: Pearson, which is tremendously powerful in higher education content and technology, has had a security breach. I've saved screen shots just in case they update this page after they've handled the breach (assuming they can/will handle it); the Data/Privacy group can find these screen shots in their shared Google Drive folder.
Fall 2014:
- September 10: Discussion of internet utopianism, & the internet's role in democracy.
- September 29: Discussion of privacy based on our reading.
- September 29: Viewing of Con Job, documentary about university labor (first 13 minutes)
- October 13: Discussion of adjunct/contingent labor
- October 1: Quotation workshop!