US Latinx Activism and Protests: From the Farm to the (Legislative) Table

Women in Television

Women play vital roles as leaders, caregivers, professionals, and agents of change. They are important to the many communities they are a part of. While television also plays an important role in shaping cultural narratives and societal perceptions. It's a very powerful medium in which many different groups and communities are portrayed and represented. Throughout television history, the portrayal of Latina women has undergone transformations, in which the representation of latina women have begun showing the complex and dynamic nature of their roles in society. 

Telenovelas, a form of Latin American television, has had a profound impact on the representation of women. Traditionally, women in telenovelas were confined to stereotypical roles as submissive wives, self-sacrificing mothers, or damsels in distress. These roles further emphasizing their adherence to "traditional" gender norms. For example, in the telenovela "Yo soy Betty, la fea" the protagonist seems to be followed with a lot of bad luck. Despite her intelligence and competency in her field of work, she is often overlooked and ignored. Why? Because of her looks. She is considered ugly so people often disregard her. However, the moment she is transformed and is conventionally attractive, she is listened to. This telenovela further deepens the stereotype that latina women need to fit into societal beauty standards in order to be listened to, and in order to have a voice. 

Similarly, in latino films, women have been confined to being objectified and hypersexualized. In the movie "Santo contra la invasión de los marcianos" the men in the movie are portrayed as strong and defend the people in their communities. Meanwhile, women are portrayed as fragile, submissive, and sexual objects. For instance, when the aliens try to abduct more people, they decide to send the women aliens to seduce the men. When trying to defeat Santo, the protagonist of the film, the male aliens fight with him while the women aliens attempt to seduce him. 

For both telenovelas and films, women are portrayed in a certain manner in the poster advertisements. Women are mostly hypersexualized in these posters, which we can see with the poster for "Santo contra la invasion de los marcianos". In this poster, show to the left, the person that is focused on is the woman. This was intentional. This woman doesn't play a major role in the movie and instead is seen as a sexual object that attracts men. She was placed there in order to attract more men to watch the film, and by doing so this is further perpetuates the hypersexualization of women in society. Objectifying women and using their bodies as sexual objects only reinforces the notion that a woman's worth is determined by her physical appearance. 

"Teresa" is a telenovela in which the protagonist is very smart. However, her and her family live in poverty so it is difficult for her to accomplish her academic goals and live the life she wishes. Teresa, the protagonist, is very beautiful and uses her looks to her advantage. She manipulates men and uses her body in order to get what she wants. This telenovela could have been very empowering in which women could have been seen differently. Teresa has other great qualities, she is a great leader and is very intelligent, however the directors of the telenovela decided to focus on her attractiveness. Teresa also places a strong emphasis on material objects and physical beauty; she sees these as determining factors of success and desirability. Teresa's priorities reinforce societal pressures on women to prioritize their appearance and material possessions over other aspects of life. Not only this but Teresa's actions revolve around her relationships with men. She is often relying on male characters for financial support and social advancement, further reinforcing the stereotype of women as dependent and subordinate to men. This telenovela perpetuates shallow stereotypes and promotes a narrow definition of femininity. Additionally, "Teresa" has a very limited range of female characters, in which most characters are conformed to traditional stereotypes: devoted & submissive housewife, jealous rival, or innocent victim. The lack of diverse and complex female characters can perpetuate one-dimensional portrayals and restrict the showcasing of a wider range of women's experiences.    

However in more recent years there has been a shift in the portrayal of women in which they have been characterized as strong and independent. This medium is beginning to reflect the changing social landscape. In film we now have more authentic and empowering women as protagonists, such as Veronica in "The Headless Woman" or Cleo in "Roma". These characters challenge traditional gender roles by defying societal expectations and pursuing their ambitions beyond the confines of domesticity. 


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