US Latinx Activism and Protests: From the Farm to the (Legislative) Table

Las "Brujas" Feministas: Magazines, Art, and Television

“Somos las nietas de las brujas que no pudieron quemar”: la reivindicación feminista de la brujería

For years women have been victims of oppression; in fact, many feminists have interpreted the witch trial of the late 17th century as the first instance where women were targets of mass oppression by society. Women accused of witchcraft were often marginalized members of society such as widows or unmarried women. Therefore, though they were innocent, the trials provided a way for men to exert control over women by silencing their pleas for justice, perpetuating gender inequality. Nowadays, feminists have taken the derogatory term “witch” and adopted it as a name for themselves to represent how they do not conform to societal norms either, as they advocate for equality and fairness. 

Hence, this project aims to shed light on how feminists throughout time have fought against oppression, even when subjugation of women is highly advertised. For instance, art, magazines and television have been mediums used to spread stereotypes about women, yet feminists have also used these as vehicles to make their voices heard, which this project will explore. 

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