US Latinx Activism and Protests: From the Farm to the (Legislative) Table


Guatemala is a Central America countryGuatemala is a country in the Central America area, a multi-ethnic and multilingual nation. This beautiful country inhabited by the Mayan culture, witnessed a time of great confrontations and great injustices in their history in the years of 1960’s. This beautiful country are the home of a Mayan culture, this group were the victim of a terrible genocide, that unfortunately pass without any punishment until the years of  1994, when an international Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH) intervene. The commission's mission was to shed light on the events that took place in Guatemala, but it was not imagined that the events would be so violent and intensely strong. The commission received thousands of testimonies, reliving the deaths of thousands of people buried in clandestine graves. The commission concluded that around 200,000 people were killed or disappeared including womens and kids, and the 83% of the victims were mayan. 

The economic, social and political structure in Guatemala in those years was completely exclusionary, related to its former colonial era, racism and injustice against poor people was commonplace, the lack of state regulation and the abuse of military power increased social violence. An  illegal punitive system was managed by the military and used by the state to maintain social control. The CHE concluded that the structural injustice,the close political ambience, the racism, the discrimination and the violence were the underlying factors of the violence confrontation that took place in 1962. 

The cold war of anti-communism developed by the US has influenced the hate and posterior acts of the government of Guatemala. The anti-communism and the National Security Doctrine DSN strategy from the Us agains the soviet union took great roots in the Latin American  governments. This anti-comunist values were strongly supported by the catholic church that qualifies as communist any position that contradicts his philosophy and actions in the Guatemalan society. The CEH discovered that state and paramilitary forces were responsible for 93 % of the violations of human rights including death and forced disappearance of persons were the vast majority were of Mayan descent. The church has a great role in the incarceration and killing of persons that believe in the “ communist” even when a lot of their representatives tired of seeing so much injustice became activists,  so priests and missionaries give their lives too.

According to the CEH only 3% of the violent actions were perpetrated by the Guerrilla agains the rural people that they believed support the military goverment.
The Guatemalan country facing injustice, racism , exclusion, and discrimination seeing the model of Cube proclaim the need to take power by force and build a new economical political and social order. Several new guerrillas emerge under the new ideologies adopting Marxist ideologies trying to take a new path. Instructional and training support provide by Cuban to the /Guatemala insurgent were including very important external factor to this confrontation.

During the time when the Guatemalan guerrilla began to form, the Guatemalan government took advantage and used military force to repress and steals what little those poor people have. These was one of the reason that the guerrillas begin to grow, but even with that during all the years of war only 3% of the violent actions were perpetrated by the Guerrilla according to the CEH. The responsible for all the violence and the deaths were the military, the state and other powerful institutions like the church that was used by the state to coarse the population. Unfortunately all those atrocities do not stop until several years latter when the international institutions like the CEH bring to light all the atrocities and crime.


Guatemala, memory of silence = tz’inil na’tab’al: Report of the commission for historical clarification, conclusions and recommendations. (2000). CEH. 

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