Race and the Digital: Racial Formation and 21st Century Technologies

Addie Vielmas

Addie Vielmas
was born in South Central LA, and is now a 1st year Chicana/o Studies Major at UCLA. She wants to double major in Sociology and Chicana/o Studies and maybe minor in Education. She dreams of becoming a counselor or working with the youth in urban areas to help them on their educational journeys. She is currently involved with the Nerdfighters at UCLA and the Achievement Scholars Club. 
By taking this course, I hope to better understand the digital divide and how to bridge the gap in the digital humanities. Knowing how and who has access to the internet is important in getting a good idea of how the system works, realizing what social hierarchies are in place and how they privilege some at the expense of others. If more people, including myself, understand the digital humanities, digital divide, cyber feminism, and other important terms, we can work towards making society more equal.

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