French Freedom Papers

Pierre Billotte

Pierre Billotte (1906-1992), a French tank operator known for the liberation of Stonnes, escaped from a German prison in 1940 and was appointed as the Moscow representative of the Free French. Billote was promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel brevete  in 1941. The title brevete for the French military is given to those who graduated from L’Ecole de superieure guerre and who performed high-profile duties prior to the active date of formal promotion. In May 1942, he became General Charles de Gaulle’s Chief of Staff (Chef d’état emajeur) and Secretary to the Committee of National Defense in London (1942-1944; World Public Library, "Brevet Rank").
Letters Sent by Pierre Billotte:

Billotte to Morton; 4/14/1942


“Brevet Rank.” World Public Library. World Public Library Association. 2016. Web

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