French Freedom PapersMain MenuLettersSummaries of the translated letters of the French Freedom Papers collectionRelevant FiguresProvides context about the people sending, receiving, and mentioned in these lettersRelevant Events & PlacesProvides context about the historical events and places being discussed in the lettersReferencesSources used to give context to the historical events and figures found in the letters.External ResourcesLinks to external sites about Charles de Gaulle, World War II, Free French, and this collectionTranslation MethodsKSU French 7208b42ed21d3c5345086d6fd65589ad65f6b323f0c
Pierre Billotte
12016-10-02T16:14:12-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b37898638plain2016-10-17T11:30:34-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b378Pierre Billotte (1906-1992), a French tank operator known for the liberation of Stonnes, escaped from a German prison in 1940 and was appointed as the Moscow representative of the Free French. Billote was promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel brevete in 1941. The title brevete for the French military is given to those who graduated from L’Ecole de superieure guerre and who performed high-profile duties prior to the active date of formal promotion. In May 1942, he became General Charles de Gaulle’s Chief of Staff (Chef d’état emajeur) and Secretary to the Committee of National Defense in London (1942-1944; World Public Library, "Brevet Rank").
12016-10-02T16:04:36-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b378Historical FiguresMary Hellmer24Provides context about the people sending, receiving, and mentioned in these lettersplain2016-10-17T15:34:01-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b378
Contents of this tag:
12016-10-02T16:04:36-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b378Relevant Figures26Provides context about the people sending, receiving, and mentioned in these lettersplain2016-10-26T12:04:01-07:00Mary Hellmer9543bbbc864f26c17be9a9d2ad5b4c1fb3a2b378