French Freedom Papers

Charles Mangin

Charles Mangin (1866-1925) was mandated by the French Army high command to embody the "offensive spirit" prior to the start of the war in August 1914. Following his graduation from Saint Cyr, he served in Sudan and French North Africa before WWI.  He and Robert Nivellewere removed from effective command following a failed attack during their time in North Africa.  However, he was nicknamed "the butcher" and the Tenth Army was responsible for the critical Allied counter-attack at the Second Battle of the Marne, an event that resurrected his military reputation. After the war he joined the Supreme War Council and became inspector general of the French colonial troops (Duffy, "Who's Who - Charles Mangin").
Letters Mentioning Charles Mangin:

Billotte to Morton; 4/14/1942


Duffy, Michael, editor. “Who's Who - Charles Mangin.” First World,             .                                  .     >.

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