Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingMain MenuAboutAbstract for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PIntroductionIntroduction to Making the Perfect Record: From Inscription to Impression in Early Magnetic RecordingNotesNotes for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PMediaMedia for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PAcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PTechnical InformationTechnical Information for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PReferencesReferences for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013),, Duke U PJentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339This essay is part of the “New Media” special issue of American Literature (volume 85, number 4, December 2013). See Version 1 of the site is (c) 2013 by Duke University Press.
Such as Thomas Edison
12013-10-14T12:33:47-07:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca53392495Thomas Edison Reads Detective Fiction and Laments the Loss of Gaboriauplain2014-01-01T06:14:20-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339Reeve (1913, 91) writes: “I recall once asking Mr. Edison whether he ever read detective stories. With that magic smile that flits over his face when a question interests him, the great inventor replied, ‘That is about all the fiction I do read.’ Then he went on, a moment later, glancing about at the appalling mass of scientific books and periodicals in his library, ‘I don’t think I ever felt so badly over the death of anyone not connected with me as I did when Gaboriau died.’” Émile Gaboriau was one of the earliest writers of modern detective fiction.
12013-11-16T22:12:19-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339NotesJentery Sayers7Notes for “Making the Perfect Record,” American Literature 85.4 (December 2013), http://10.1215/00029831-2370230, Duke U Pplain84242013-12-27T07:16:10-08:00Jentery Sayersbecbfb529bffcfafdfad6920ed57b30ccdca5339
This page references:
12013-10-11T13:53:58-07:00Reeve's Scientific Realism7It was feared that Reeve's scientific realism would engender potentially dangerous forms of scientific experimentation among his readershipplain2013-12-19T19:21:28-08:00