US Latinx Activism and Protests: From the Farm to the (Legislative) Table

East Los Angeles Murals

Throughout the history of Los Angeles, the Chicano Movement, which took place sometime around the 1960s and 1970s, was one of the most influential movements as it encompassed the many issues that Mexican Americans (Chicanos) faced. Some of these issues that the movement addressed were economic, social, and political inequalities. Although these inequalities can unfortunately still be seen in today’s society, many other inequalities were able to be abolished such as inequality in the education system. While the protests that took place during the movement played a significant role in that abolishment, the murals that were painted during the movement also played a significant role as they displayed narratives that highlighted the many struggles and inequalities that Chicanos faced. Interestingly enough, while many of these murals display struggles and inequalities, they also display the cultural aspect of Chicanismo and they do that by including important figures and imagery.

East Los Angeles murals reflected the strong emphasis on cultural identity and heritage within the Chicano movement. Murals, such as this specific one, often featured iconic symbols such as Jesus Christ, Mexican folklore, and unity. While the symbol of Jesus Christ can vary for different individuals, in general, what Jesus Christ represents to many is a blend of cultural, historical, and spiritual meanings that reflect the experiences of Mexican-Americans within the Chicano movement. Another symbol that is highlighted in the image is the iconic eagle which symbolizes the indigenous heritage that many Chicanos celebrate and identify with. An iconic figure such as Pancho Villa represents a much broader meaning such as resistance against oppression which is what the Chicano movement was all about. While all three symbols represent something different, they all share a commonality which is unity and this can be seen in the background of the mural.

While the last mural displayed the different symbols and iconic figures in Chicanoismo, this mural represents the many different aspects of Chicano culture. As we can see in the mural, Chicanoismo is two-sided which means that Chicanos don't just identify with one culture, but with two which are indigenous and modern cultures. The quote that's also in the mural is interesting as it states that we are all children of the sun and that we belong here, in other words, we're all the same and therefore we all have the same rights to be in this country.

This next mural is interesting as it is unlike the others in the sense that doesn't display symbolism, but instead, it displays a sense of social and political activism. Murals in East Los Angeles served as platforms for social and political activism. They addressed a wide range of issues affecting the Chicano community, such as civil rights, immigration, labor rights, and police brutality. Murals depicted scenes of protests, revolutionary figures, and messages of empowerment, calling for social justice and equality. They provided a voice for the marginalized and often displayed the determination Chicanos had toward the abolishment of inequalities.

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