Understory 2019

Red Berry Tree

This tree drops its berries and I know
Intuitively what it means, that the season
Is changing and winter will come, the smell
Of the rotten fruit in my nostrils, I am only
Aware of the healing this year will need and
The tree loses interest as it wavers in the wind
Come winter the tree will be completely bare
And I too will need more than this for warmth
As of now it still remains with some of its
Smelly, red fruits which make the sidewalk a
Collage of red juices and little round balls of red
I cannot remember a time the tree was not in itself
Warm enough to stay and be still, where it was not
Growing in winter it is a strong tree and will be
Prepared for the snow with all its coverings.


[1]Christine Fleming is a sophomore pursuing a Baccalaureate of Arts in English with a concentration in Rhetoric. Christine has a fraternal twin sister, Julia, and they are best friends.

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