Understory 2019

A Brief Glimpse of a Brief Season

Leaves fall, twisting, turning in the breeze,
Flashes of green become yellow and orange.
Smell the wind changing,
Sweet, sticky popsicles to warm, tart spiced cider.
It has begun. Yet wind between hopeful fingers
The last threads of summer,
Grasping in vain, Reluctant to let go.

The excitement of sun and adventure,
Lingering bonfire smoke,
Staccato bursts of giddy laughter,
All fading into the quiet monotony
Of a new semester, and chapter
After swimming chapter
Of late nights
And bitter coffee.

The seasons change,
Summer to fall,
Fishing to hunting Blink, and a pole
Becomes a rifle.
The moose meander about,
Fearing only those
Who seek to fill their freezer.

The sinking days darken,
Greedy nights claim ever more hours.
The frigid rains and unforgiving winds sweep in
And the RVs head out of town.
Warmth recedes with the tourists
And as they go,
Autumn creeps quickly
Across the Last Frontier.

[1] Jewel Burgstahler is a senior pursuing a Baccalaureate of Arts in English. Jewel, looking to a future as an auctioneer and/or teacher of English as a Second Language, only occasionally dabbles in creative writing.

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