This path was created by Derek James Rachel.  The last update was by Amanda Lundeen.

Star of the Sea : A Postcolonial/Postmodern Voyage into the Irish Famine


“There was no regularity or decency observed with regard to taking the passengers on board the ship; men and women were pulled in any side or end foremost, like so many bundles. I was getting myself in as quickly and dexterously as I could, when I was laid hold of by the legs and pulled in, falling foremost down upon the deck, and the next man was pulled down on top of me.”
- Philanthropist Vere Foster, who accompanied Irish emigrants from Liverpool to New York in December 1850. (qtd. in Gray, The Irish Famine 105)
Emigration became the most viable option for many Irish groups at the height of the famine. For the British government, they were able to get rid of the Irish famine problem by shipping them away to another nation. Thereby it ceased being their problem, and they could save their money and resources. Some British officials even assisted Irish emigrants in paying the fare for their journey. For the Irish population, emigration gave them a way out of the famine situation, and helped them get a fresh start in a different place. Here you can learn about how emigration worked during the famine years and also why emigration was such a viable option for relief. 
Researcher/Writer: Ellen-Marie Pedersen
Technical Designers: Derek Rachel and Amanda Lundeen

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