Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Social Media Content fo Jane Yellowlees Douglas' "I Have Said Nothing"

In order to foster a broad range of conversations through social media, we maintained three separate streams on Facebook : 1) the Pathfinders project site, entitled "elitpathfinders,"  with 245 followers, 2) the Electronic Literature Organization's page with over 1600 members, and 3) Grigar's own site. ELL Team members with a Facebook page also posted to their own sites. 

The first few posts introduced the event and explained the work to the general public the day of the event.

The next few posts contain information about the work for the audience who do not have prior knowledge of I Have Said Nothing.

The following five posts provide background information on the four characters in the hypertext narrative. 

The next post introduces the performer for the live Traversal. 

The next few posts provide information about the author, J Yellowless Douglas. 

The following posts offer background information about I Have Said Nothing and provide a link to view a portion of the work. 

Two final posts to thank everyone involved in the Traversal. 

Similar to Facebook, we used three Twitter sites to stream our conversation: 1) Dene Grigar's own site that had over 2,800 followers, 2) Nicholas Schiller's site, with 2,200 followers and 3) ELL Team Member Veronica Whitney's site, with over 175 members. Whitney was in charge of posting and reposting on Twitter during the event. The hashtag we used was #elitpathfinders, as this hashtag has been used consistently through the project.

The first posts announce the event ahead of time using the hashtag #elitpathfinders.

The following posts provide details about I Have Said Nothing

The following post is a question from the presenter of the live Traversal to the author of I Have Said Nothing.

Here we have provided a link that published a portion of I Have Said Nothing online so that the audience can read the story individually. 

The author used social media to recognize and appreciate the live Traversal organized by the Pathfinders project. 


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