Marie Antoinette

The Real History. Did you know?

     History is fascinating and learning about Marie Antoinette is even more interesting after watching the film Marie Antoinette.  The film was based on the real lives of the former King, Louis XVI, and Queen, Marie Antoinette, of France. The film ends with the attempt escape of Marie and her children from the revolutionists, but they are captured. She was beheaded on October 6, 1793. According the article "10 Things You May Not Know About Marie Antoinette," author Christopher Klein, gives a great "fact check" on the movies accuracies. The movie animates seven out of the ten facts. The film left out the following facts: 1. "The trumped-up charges Marie Antoinette included incest," 2. "She was buried in an unmarked grave and then exhumed," and 3. "A U.S city is named in honor of Marie Antoinette." The latter of the two seem irrelevant for the movie, but I wonder why the first reason listed was left out of the movie. This would have made a great sub-topic theme around royalty incest. Marie was accused of having sexual relations with her son, Louis-Charles.   


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